I came for all the good Biden posts

You just need to keep the people these morons elect out of power with a Stacy Abrams ground game in all 50 states. . . . . . . .
Mr Trumpf, like all the recent GOP presidents, got 57% of the white vote. Some of that will fall away in the suburbs after the attack on the capital, but the GOP will continue to send people to congress from rural districts. We made gains in the 'burbs with Blue Dogs in 2018, so putting up the right candidates will be important.

The deep south has more blacks, so there is a chance some those states will go blue, but they have to overcome years of voter suppression and "safe" seats. The good news is that 57% of the white vote is no longer enough for the GOP to win nationally.
I'm not really working right now. So if President Joe Rob wants to pay me to say nice things, let him know this Blue Dog is willing to negotiate on price per post.
lol I am not sure if the Democrats have caught up to the Republican scam yet.

It would be the easiest way for them to combat this propaganda warfare, but I think it would just be better for us all if they don't do that and instead pass some legislation that stops this attack from happening to us again.
Ted Cruz's tweets about California blackouts look really dumb right now

“California is now unable to perform even basic functions of civilization, like having reliable electricity. Biden/Harris/AOC want to make CA’s failed energy policy the standard nationwide. Hope you don’t like air conditioning!,” Cruz tweeted with condescension.
That tweet is doing nothing to keep warm the 4 million Texans currently without power, including 1.4 million in Cruz' hometown of Houston.
Mr Trumpf, like all the recent GOP presidents, got 57% of the white vote. Some of that will fall away in the suburbs after the attack on the capital, but the GOP will continue to send people to congress from rural districts. We made gains in the 'burbs with Blue Dogs in 2018, so putting up the right candidates will be important.

The deep south has more blacks, so there is a chance some those states will go blue, but they have to overcome years of voter suppression and "safe" seats. The good news is that 57% of the white vote is no longer enough for the GOP to win nationally.
You can't just wait for demographics, but must drive social change with policy and law. Make rural highspeed internet access coupled with free basic cable TV as part of an infrastructure program and help change the information (and services) rural America can access. Get rid of hate radio by reassigning the AM band to digital use, it's overdue, beef up the FCC with new law and regulations. There is a long list of things that can be done to damage the disinformation system that feeds the bullshit and social media algorithms that unites the morons. There is much more that can be done too to change attitudes, marketing works and so does "branding", that's why they spend trillions of dollars a year on it. This is just one "realm" where the fight for democracy happens though and that is what we are talking about, a fight for the constitution, the rule of law and democracy. This ain't politics, these people cannot be allowed to win even once, or it will be the end of politics and the beginning of something else.
So I guess Mr. Biden's phone call with that DeSantis Governor guy trying to arm twist him into keeping Florida all covid scared didn't go very well.

Here's an excerpt from an article written by James H. Kunstler. Kunstler wrote an interesting book a few years back "The Long Emergency".

This played out dramatically last week in a telephone parley between Mr. Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the governor’s refusal to lockdown his state. The world-famous Dr. Fauci was also on the call, in which Mr. Biden threatened to curtail American citizens travel to Florida by road and air — since an offshoot of Covid-19 policy has been to drive a huge demographic exodus from the economically failing states of New York, Illinois, and California down there. He also threatened to withhold federal funding to Florida and deny the state access to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Fauci chimed in, “Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective current vaccines are against the UK strain.”

DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health authorities over financially incentivized federal officials. The conclusion of the conference call went like this:

How much do you stand to earn from these vaccines, Dr. Fauci? And, Joe, if you continue with this course of action, I will authorize the state National Guard to protect the movement of Floridians,” DeSantis said.
“Address me as Mr. President or President Biden,” Biden said.
“I will not, and you can go fuck yourself,” DeSantis said before hanging up.
So I guess Mr. Biden's phone call with that DeSantis Governor guy trying to arm twist him into keeping Florida all covid scared didn't go very well.

Here's an excerpt from an article written by James H. Kunstler. Kunstler wrote an interesting book a few years back "The Long Emergency".

This played out dramatically last week in a telephone parley between Mr. Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the governor’s refusal to lockdown his state. The world-famous Dr. Fauci was also on the call, in which Mr. Biden threatened to curtail American citizens travel to Florida by road and air — since an offshoot of Covid-19 policy has been to drive a huge demographic exodus from the economically failing states of New York, Illinois, and California down there. He also threatened to withhold federal funding to Florida and deny the state access to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Fauci chimed in, “Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective current vaccines are against the UK strain.”

DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health authorities over financially incentivized federal officials. The conclusion of the conference call went like this:
If you would have taken 5 seconds to read it you would realize you’re helping our case. He’s saying shut down and don’t be the state everyone runs to or you will continue to infect the nation. Why are you so incapable of reading the very things you post?

And what’s wrong with saying he doesn’t know how effective the vaccine is against the UK strain?

I see why trump lied to you morons. It’s easier than getting you morons to understand anything.
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So I guess Mr. Biden's phone call with that DeSantis Governor guy trying to arm twist him into keeping Florida all covid scared didn't go very well.

Here's an excerpt from an article written by James H. Kunstler. Kunstler wrote an interesting book a few years back "The Long Emergency".

This played out dramatically last week in a telephone parley between Mr. Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the governor’s refusal to lockdown his state. The world-famous Dr. Fauci was also on the call, in which Mr. Biden threatened to curtail American citizens travel to Florida by road and air — since an offshoot of Covid-19 policy has been to drive a huge demographic exodus from the economically failing states of New York, Illinois, and California down there. He also threatened to withhold federal funding to Florida and deny the state access to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Fauci chimed in, “Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective current vaccines are against the UK strain.”

DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health authorities over financially incentivized federal officials. The conclusion of the conference call went like this:

DeSantis winning.
If you have taken 5 seconds to read it you would realize you’re helping our case. He’s saying shut down and don’t be the state everyone runs to or you will continue to infect the nation. Why are you so incapable of reading the very things you post?

And what’s wrong with saying he doesn’t know how effective the vaccine is against the UK strain?

I see why trump lied to you morons. It’s easier than getting you morons to understand it.

i seriously think republicans are brain dead and belong in walking dead zombie pit.

i was listening to Cassidy think out loud about making his decision and even though he eventually voted in favor of impeach his out loud was all wrong and he was confused about the facts 'hard time connecting the dots'..i thought were you even listening? So i have a feeling he may not be the brightest tool in the shed as are so many Trumpers.

yeah..another republican cleanup on aisle 10..that's 18 months right off the bat his presidency loses because of them AGAIN!

i had to go into a c-store and a trumper bitch was impatient while i was making my purchase because i'm a pot smoking leftie and she has to get me out of her store- the more she had her panties in a bunch the tighter i pulled on them..the more impatient; the slower i was.

she was foaming at the mouth by the time i left..and the beauty is i never said a word to her.

don't judge.
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So I guess Mr. Biden's phone call with that DeSantis Governor guy trying to arm twist him into keeping Florida all covid scared didn't go very well.

Here's an excerpt from an article written by James H. Kunstler. Kunstler wrote an interesting book a few years back "The Long Emergency".

This played out dramatically last week in a telephone parley between Mr. Biden and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the governor’s refusal to lockdown his state. The world-famous Dr. Fauci was also on the call, in which Mr. Biden threatened to curtail American citizens travel to Florida by road and air — since an offshoot of Covid-19 policy has been to drive a huge demographic exodus from the economically failing states of New York, Illinois, and California down there. He also threatened to withhold federal funding to Florida and deny the state access to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Fauci chimed in, “Governor, do you want to be responsible for reinfecting the nation? Truth is, we don’t even know how effective current vaccines are against the UK strain.”

DeSantis told Dr. Fauci he trusted his own state health authorities over financially incentivized federal officials. The conclusion of the conference call went like this:
So you guess? Citation?

I call bullshit.
yeah..another republican cleanup on aisle 10..that's 18 months right off the bat his presidency loses because of them AGAIN!

i had to go into a c-store and a trumper bitch was impatient while i was making my purchase because i'm a pot smoking leftie and she has to get me out of her store- the more she had her panties in a bunch the tighter i pulled on them..the more impatient; the slower i was.

she was foaming at the mouth by the time i left..and the beauty is i never said a word to her.

don't judge.

That was nearly an R rated story.
yeah..another republican cleanup on aisle 10..that's 18 months right off the bat his presidency loses because of them AGAIN!

i had to go into a c-store and a trumper bitch was impatient while i was making my purchase because i'm a pot smoking leftie and she has to get me out of her store- the more she had her panties in a bunch the tighter i pulled on them..the more impatient; the slower i was.

she was foaming at the mouth by the time i left..and the beauty is i never said a word to her.

don't judge.

I burn holes in people with my eyes