I came for all the good Biden posts

There's always that chance in a state with so many people. There are all kinds. The rest of us will pick it up and pack it out. It's easier on day hikes.
Where that can was, the closest trail head was days away, accessed by way of Bishop on the east side of the Sierras. From that side, getting to the PCT trail is switchback hell. Yes, I picked it up and yes, I carried it for days on my way to Kings Canyon where we had arranged for people to meet and drive us out (we were hiking from north to south, roughly a 120 mile trek). But I still wonder how it got there. I'm guessing horse-packers. The trail otherwise was clean and free from litter. Just this one can.
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Where that can was, the closest trail head was days away, accessed by way of Bishop on the east side of the Sierras. From that side, getting to the PCT trail is switchback hell. Yes, I picked it up and yes, I carried it for days on my way to Kings Canyon where we had arranged for people to meet and drive us out (we were hiking from north to south, roughly a 120 mile trek). But I still wonder how it got there. I'm guessing horse-packers. The trail otherwise was clean and free from litter. Just this one can.

Have you ever seen "The Gods Must Be Crazy"?
Have you ever seen "The Gods Must Be Crazy"?
You get the sense of it. I had already been more than a week out in the wilderness. I was hiking through a lush, wooded valley with little sign of the modern world and in a place where it did not belong, with no sign of how it got there, was this empty can of pop. Yes, it was outrageous that anybody would just drop their trash like that. It was also such a strange thing to see.