I came for all the good Biden posts

My wife had her 2nd shot day before yesterday. She was pretty out of it. Flu like symptoms. sleeping for hours, etc, etc. But she's feeling a little better, which is good enough for me to head out to the riverhouse for camp night. 100% chance of rain tonight, so I have to get my miles in early. See you guys later on.

which manufacturer did she get?
On long trails you can always tell when you are near a road because of the trash on trail.
I love the mountains, hiking is a passion, climed longs Peak 3 times once in the winter snow. been to Smoky Mountains hiked the Appalachian trail, spent 14 days in the back country of yellowstone. Soda butte trail along the lamar river, climbed the grand teton in jackson with 4 friends and on and on. Greatest thing in the world besides clam jammin.
So own me.
Mama's boy? What are you, 9?

Your wife cooks for me.

I mean it (the troll) isn’t even any good.
It’s like a 4 year old at an aldult gathering that runs around baby punching the guys he wishes he was like.
No intellectual discussion. But I reckon that’s why they’re called trolls. Can’t be too smart to live under a bridge.