I Am Not Dead


Well-Known Member
The friend I left in charge of my house killed most of my plants and nearly killed my animals. He did not like that I told him how shitty a job he did and asked for his outdoor plants back. I dug them up but slashed most of hid roots. They will soon die. More details to folloe wjem I am not confinef to using an I phone


Well-Known Member
Btw I know this is not a thread for the politics section but I have to vent and this phone sucks.


Well-Known Member
You should have told me buck, I would have taken great care of your kitties/chickens/duck/weed ;)


Well-Known Member
dude, that fucking sucks ass! you should trust no one!


The friend I left in charge of my house killed most of my plants and nearly killed my animals. He did not like that I told him how shitty a job he did and asked for his outdoor plants back. I dug them up but slashed most of hid roots. They will soon die. More details to folloe wjem I am not confinef to using an I phone


Well-Known Member
That sucks dude, hope you have enough to salvage from your grow to last you.

Pretty shitty that it was someone you thought you could trust.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
The friend I left in charge of my house killed most of my plants and nearly killed my animals. He did not like that I told him how shitty a job he did and asked for his outdoor plants back. I dug them up but slashed most of hid roots. They will soon die. More details to folloe wjem I am not confinef to using an I phone
WTF? The quality of friendship is sorely lacking these days. If it were me house-sitting? I would keep the cats high on catnip and the plants high on life. :p

I used to house-sit for a Thai couple in Utah. They would go out of the country and I would stay there with the cats and the herb garden (real herbs). They would pay me in Thai food. It was a fucking AWESOME arrangement. He was head chef at a Thai restaurant in SLC. He would cook me food you couldn't get on a menu.


Well-Known Member
Goddamnit, even I AM PISSED about your situation.

I specifically trained a person so that If I had to go away, she would take care of things for me. Worked out so far, but you gotta make sure you only train 1 person and it has to be someone with a functioning brain, which is why I don't ask my brother to do it. So far so good, she has helped out on about 10 occasions so far and she takes good care of things. I pay her well.


Well-Known Member
a couple of towns over a rancher had a friend watch his horses for a few weeks while on a family vacation. they went 2 weeks without water in 100+ degree heat and the sheriffs department found 9 dead horses and they had to kill several others. i'd hate to have friends like that. hope things get better for you and the mrs.


Well-Known Member
That sucks.

You have to be sittin there with your head down thinkin "how fuckin stupid!!!!"

But it didn't kill you obviously.....so it can only make ya stronger.I think that's what they say anyway.


Well-Known Member
I am happy you are not dead.
me too.
Goddamnit, even I AM PISSED about your situation.

I specifically trained a person so that If I had to go away, she would take care of things for me. Worked out so far, but you gotta make sure you only train 1 person and it has to be someone with a functioning brain, which is why I don't ask my brother to do it. So far so good, she has helped out on about 10 occasions so far and she takes good care of things. I pay her well.
this was his second go at it. No problems the first time. I have to go away again in november, and am not sure what I will do.

Damage control last night on the flowering plants was depressing. I have a lien onhis equipment that he let meborrow.

He threatened to call the cops on me for berating him, I called his bluff on that.


Well-Known Member
The fool not only missed out on a 600 dollar payday for doing simple chores, but I killed his plants and he will never get a bud from me again, which I am certain he was selling. What an idiot, he fucked himself more than me.


Well-Known Member
The fool not only missed out on a 600 dollar payday for doing simple chores, but I killed his plants and he will never get a bud from me again, which I am certain he was selling. What an idiot, he fucked himself more than me.
That sucks my friend. I've been there. We left our pets in charge of a trusted friend when we went to Bali. When I got back, he had let my conure starve to death.

For the record, should you consider "harsher" retribution...my rates are competitive and I guarantee results...Just sayin'