I Am Not Dead

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Tread lightly. If you pissed him off, he may grass your ass.
I would expect the worse and that grow location is done (or should be PDQ).


Well-Known Member
Tread lightly. If you pissed him off, he may grass your ass.
I would expect the worse and that grow location is done (or should be PDQ).
I will be camping out there with a firearm.

This has a silver lining, my wife finally agreed to letting me own an arm. Still not sure what I want, but a shotgun is my current choice.

Time to change the locks just in case the idiot copied my key. I do not give him credit for such advanced thinking, but better safe than sorry.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I will be camping out there with a firearm.

This has a silver lining, my wife finally agreed to letting me own an arm. Still not sure what I want, but a shotgun is my current choice.

Time to change the locks just in case the idiot copied my key. I do not give him credit for such advanced thinking, but better safe than sorry.
Not a good career move bro. If LEO busts in, sees you with a gun, that may be your last stance. I am a legal gun owner and I respect your freedom to have one, but if you know something legally bad may happen why risk it?
On top of that, if you have any kind of grow and are in possession of a firearm, your in deep shit.
Get caught without a gun but growing and wish for the best...or take everything down and remove any weapons for a while (unless your legal there) and enjoy the comfort of knowing they won't find shit if the come in. But put the weapons away so you don't do something stupid after getting rudely woke up in the middle of the night and not knowing what is going on at that instant.


Well-Known Member
I will be camping out there with a firearm.

This has a silver lining, my wife finally agreed to letting me own an arm. Still not sure what I want, but a shotgun is my current choice.

Time to change the locks just in case the idiot copied my key. I do not give him credit for such advanced thinking, but better safe than sorry.
12 gauge, good for anything and does the job.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
...This has a silver lining, my wife finally agreed to letting me own an arm. Still not sure what I want, but a shotgun is my current choice...
I suggest a short barreled (LEGAL) 410 shot gun pump. Nothing makes one shit their pants more than the sound of a pump shotgun racking a round in the dark. Use low power bird shot rounds. Up close they will do some damage but will be easier on the sheet rock walls in most homes. You have no idea where every pellet will go, and you don't want to hit the baby bassinet in the other room due to a stray pellet with a lot of energy behind it.


Well-Known Member
so in the end, how much were you able to salvage?

Just get some bear repellent spray if you are worried bout the legal issue. I read they are in the millions of scolvile units, so thats got to be hot... Take that in the orfaces of the cephel region, i think it would deter even the toughest dudes or gals..


Well-Known Member
Not to be a total ass or anything,and that dose suck ass to have that shit happen to,but i cant resist......U better get some buckshot for that 12 gauge Unclebuck.......................................... o yea i went there.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Not to be a total ass or anything,and that dose suck ass to have that shit happen to,but i cant resist......U better get some buckshot for that 12 gauge Unclebuck.......................................... o yea i went there.
Marijuana is not worth gun fire unless your life is in danger, then by all means empty all magazines.
I am a gun owner and a retired vet., so I know my weapons. I just don't see it worth the firepower for one not in the business. Take it and go the fuck away. Unless I am threatened or your trying to take my weapons, it isn't worth the paperwork, the court time, or the life.
Unless your legal in a legal state, even if you win/survive, your still wrong and going down.


Well-Known Member
perhaps i did sound a little overboard there,but i meant it as a name/gun pun to be stupid and maybe lighten up the thread a little....sigh oh well.