I Am Not Dead


Well-Known Member
the shotgun is my choice for the sound of the pump. If you hear that, I might not need to even fire. I am legal and I would only want something that would deter or injure, not kill.

No plant is worth dying for. Thanks to all for the advice.

jeff f

New Member
I will be camping out there with a firearm.

This has a silver lining, my wife finally agreed to letting me own an arm. Still not sure what I want, but a shotgun is my current choice.

Time to change the locks just in case the idiot copied my key. I do not give him credit for such advanced thinking, but better safe than sorry.
nice to see you finally found the second ammendment to your liking. maybe it will catch on and you can start liking the rest of the constitution and INDIVIDUAL GOD GIVEN rights.


Well-Known Member
nice to see you finally found the second ammendment to your liking. maybe it will catch on and you can start liking the rest of the constitution and INDIVIDUAL GOD GIVEN rights.
I bet you have to beg for a reach around when your big burly hairy friends are fucking you in the ass. Do you feel sad when they come in your mouth and never call back?


Active Member
I prefer my pack of 3 dogs and machete's =)

And if you read the second amendment

As ratified by the States:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It would seem to be unconstitutional to keep a violent felon from owning a firearm. It doesn't say "law abiding people" or anything else.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6136709 said:
I prefer my pack of 3 dogs and machete's =)

And if you read the second amendment

As ratified by the States:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It would seem to be unconstitutional to keep a violent felon from owning a firearm. It doesn't say "law abiding people" or anything else.
I agree, but don't most convicted of a felony lose certain rights? Like the right to vote and own a gun?
What ever law states that, it was passed as constitutional and valid. But like all laws, it is open for legal challenge.


Active Member
Many laws that have been passed and deemed constitutional are what many pure Libertarians are complaining about.

BTW, I am still waiting for somebody to show me where in the US Constitution it gives the US Supreme Court the power to determine what is and is not constitutional........ as far as I can see it doesn't.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Willyßagseed;6136755 said:
Many laws that have been passed and deemed constitutional are what many pure Libertarians are complaining about.

BTW, I am still waiting for somebody to show me where in the US Constitution it gives the US Supreme Court the power to determine what is and is not constitutional........ as far as I can see it doesn't.
Hell, I don't even think they have a constitutional way to collect taxes, but the do. Actor Wesley Snipes tried that trick and is currently in prison.


Well-Known Member
wow, didnt know you hated queers so much....
Where did I say I hate queers? You may want to work on your reading skills, I simply insinuated that you were so much of a miserable fuck of a human being that you are not even afforded the most basic of ettiquette ny the people who pound your ass bloody and ejaculate into your pie hole.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but don't most convicted of a felony lose certain rights? Like the right to vote and own a gun?
What ever law states that, it was passed as constitutional and valid. But like all laws, it is open for legal challenge.
The constitution is the supreme law of the land, all laws and treaties are subordinate. The constitution does not give exception to felons, therefore the laws that remove those rights are blatently unconstitutional. Congress, SCOTUS, and the POTUS have no constitutional review of the laws before they are passed, and even if the SCOUTUS finds a law passes constitutional scrutiny - is their decision correct? Is the court infallible? Dredd Scott comes to mind in cases like this.

I wouldn't be against an amendment allowing for a recall of SCOTUS justices by a supermajority of citizens. The decision on Kelo vs. New London would have centainly vacated a few seats.


Well-Known Member
The friend I left in charge of my house killed most of my plants and nearly killed my animals. He did not like that I told him how shitty a job he did and asked for his outdoor plants back. I dug them up but slashed most of hid roots. They will soon die. More details to folloe wjem I am not confinef to using an I phone
What's done is done. Good luck getting the grow going again. Even a talking pile of pigshit like you deserves better.