Herb & Suds
Well-Known Member
And yetGreat way to use a sex offender to get point across on feminism you really are a dumb bitch lol
you are LOSING
And yetGreat way to use a sex offender to get point across on feminism you really are a dumb bitch lol
Let’s hear more from the guy who thinks someone convicted of indecent exposure is a sex offender.he is kind to animals.
This smells like drumming up publicity to sell a book by a political nobody. Having a vague story where someone is accused of some obscure "sexual assault" where no one is actually accused is a publisher's wet dream when trying to sell books to virtue signaling, millennial trash.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she married to the dick pic guy? Yeah, she sounds like a real winner in the judgement department.
It is because people who use words like 'libtard' are sheep that swallowed whole the propaganda that hate mongers have fed them.Libtards rule these conversations the more rights we give you people the worse shit gets or more arguments start feminists trumpists fucking lgbtq+ BLM proud boys blue lives matter fuck man long live the gop and old white men hope your feminists views get put on some news network some day so the whole state of Wyoming can argue about it or some dumb shit like that I bet you voted for Hilary or wrote in pelosi maybe one day you can move to portland where you belong
Yeah it does it brings me down so much and I imagine your argumentative rhetoric gets you into great debates at every turn in your day I love my opinions right or wrong who the fuck are to say huh some dumb cunt that’s what mad about how the world views and treats woman fuck man get over it who cares i treat all the woman in my life with respect admiration and dignity and shower with love and affection everyday And I wouldn’t shower you with piss if your laying on the side of the road on fire maybe tar but not even piss have a good day I gotta make sure shits running right that’s how I feel about your feminists opinions and guess what my opinion is the true majority or else the world would be much different like I love how a woman will sign a no disclosure and take money and when the non disclosure runs out she runs to the police if you really cared so much and we’re hurt so bad why wouldnt you go in the first place why take the money unless you wanted the money to begin wait all woman are victims and all men are bigot pigs I forgot shit what was I thinking
Thank you for letting us know @DaFreak is pushing more chauvinist spam. Now hopefully this stupid as shit thread can die.Quoted excerpts in the news have Huma Abedin describing the event but not herself calling it "sexual assault." Third parties e.g. the Guardian, Fox News, are the ones summarizing it as "sexual assault."
So you triggered just like when you made your stupid "Mexican" girl thread.I missed that. I read where she said something about recent me too movement brought it out, that she’d blocked it out. Maybe her publisher told her she wasn’t as interesting as her ex and needed to spice it up.
Another is as stupid as your Russian troll hunt and you acting out your social justice warrior role on the net….on the net.Thank you for letting us know @DaFreak is pushing more chauvinist spam. Now hopefully this stupid as shit thread can die.
So you triggered just like when you made your stupid "Mexican" girl thread.
Far from freaking out. Just laughing at it. Although I do feel sorry for young American men. Imagine the contracts they will have to sign if they want to try and kiss a girl.I enjoy watching people freak out about imaginary people freaking out. It's all in your head.
Is this supposed to make sense?Another is as stupid as your Russian troll hunt and you acting out your social justice warrior role on the net….on the net.
They can just do like tRUMP and buy them from Russia , no?Far from freaking out. Just laughing at it. Although I do feel sorry for young American men. Imagine the contracts they will have to sign if they want to try and kiss a girl.
She was HRC's righthand woman. Plenty of educated women of all ages will read it.
Not concerned with what you try to do, your a rude individual who I have no respect for because I see the constant personal attacks and garbage you throw out there. I don’t believe anybody in real life acts like you, so I say that’s the role you play on the net. And don’t blame me that you see Russian trolls everywhere, that’s all on you.I try to treat you like a person, but you really are indistinguishable from a troll most the time, if you are snow flaking that I am calling you a "Russian troll" that is on you.
Rent, not buy.They can just do like tRUMP and buy them from Russia , no?
yellow river optional of course
That’s the proper way to applaud a good pornographic movie.I mean, being convicted of indecent exposure may lead to being required to register with the sex offender registry, so?
Nice projection.Not concerned with what you try to do, your a rude individual who I have no respect for because I see the constant personal attacks and garbage you throw out there. I don’t believe anybody in real life acts like you, so I say that’s the role you play on the net. And don’t blame me that you see Russian trolls everywhere, that’s all on you.
There's two people in your situation not just one. I'll ask you first "what are you misreading?", and second "who is reponsible for this misreading?" Is one person responsible or both?if you misread and have unwanted physical contact, that's assault brutha
There's two people in your situation not just one. I'll ask you first "what are you misreading?", and second "who is reponsible for this misreading?" Is one person responsible or both?
I find it hard to believe that anything more than a fraction of a percent of people ever ask.real-world rights side of things and just ask
Whats so wrong with asking a woman to kiss? Thats just consent. What he did is predatory behavior. Hell, If he acts that way in public just imagine how much worse things could go elsewhereHave you read this shit? Huma Abedin is accusing a senator of sexual assault because she followed him outside a party, into his office for coffee and when he kissed her passionately, she said no and get a load of this.....he said, "Oh sorry, I misread you." I understand the times are different, we've come from no means no to yes means yes. But I have never once in my life every asked a woman if I could kiss her. I just read the situation and kissed them. One said, 'eh...no thanks." World is getting nuts.