Well-Known Member
Why do you have the Chinese word for "soup" tattooed on your forearm?
Because soup is good food.
Why do you have the Chinese word for "soup" tattooed on your forearm?
you'll be free soontime is going by to fast i still think it is december
shit i hope i am free soon that way i can stop thinking about time and being free some times i just want to be free
shit i hope i am free soon that way i can stop thinking about time and being free some times i just want to be free
how old are you people i have always wanted to know. i am 20
Hey, I'm 65.6 and remember when a remote control didn't exist. My home phone number was Fleetwood 412 and you had to talk to an operator to place a call. Gas was 28 cents a gallon and cigarettes were a quarter out of a vending machine. Pinball was 10 cents for 3 games and weed was a killer drug. We had a Henry J car and a pink Dodge. I saw my first color tv at the age of 6, it was the world series in 1955.Im most likely the oldest member here at 62 yrs old .
I remember color tv being a fad & sharing our phone line with 3 other families , the phone number was Cedar 900-60 , only other old coots will remember the phone prefix shit .
Im 22 and tv had a shit load of channels, 90's baby!