I am doing a survey


Well-Known Member
TW for Twin Oaks LOL do you remember Queen for a Day? My mom loved that show!
Yeah with Jack Bailey lol. Funny story: I was around 9-10 and one Sunday at church the priest tells the congregation that Mrs So-so is going to be on the show the following week. Everyone apparently watched it and Mrs So-so won! Problem was the bitch lied, her whole story was totally fabricated. So she and her family get all this loot right. Come next Sunday at church, everyone including the priest congratulates her! That was when God died for me lol


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yeah with Jack Bailey lol. Funny story: I was around 9-10 and one Sunday at church the priest tells the congregation that Mrs So-so is going to be on the show the following week. Everyone apparently watched it and Mrs So-so won! Problem was the bitch lied, her whole story was totally fabricated. So she and her family get all this loot right. Come next Sunday at church, everyone including the priest congratulates her! That was when God died for me lol
You did not point out that she lied? That was why I spent so much of my youth upside down in trashcans. I took 'little white lies' personally. I mean they hung us by our thumbs in our closets if we so much as lied about an extra popsicle but dude gets big shit and lying is ok?

SOMEONE tell me what reality we are playing by?? That's why I'm so f'n crazy today (ok it's a little of why).


Well-Known Member
I didn't at the time, but mentioned it at confession. It was apparently justified as the hubby had recently lost his job. I asked about the other women on the show, do they all lie or were some sad tearjerking stories true. Priest says he didn't know. I walk out thinking that some poor woman told the truth and Mrs So-so stole her loot. and God was still dead to me


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I didn't at the time, but mentioned it at confession. It was apparently justified as the hubby had recently lost his job. I asked about the other women on the show, do they all lie or were some sad tearjerking stories true. Priest says he didn't know. I walk out thinking that some poor woman told the truth and Mrs So-so stole her loot. and God was still dead to me
Yes, the ends justify the means and no lightening bolts..... QED eh?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The US criminalized weed 20 years before I was born.
The Wizard of Oz was in Black en White and the tv screen was only a foot square,
but I'm older.. tv came out when I was 5.
Remember all the vertical hold issues? You'd get right to the important part and the entire screen would start rolling (what there was of the screen), LOL

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Im most likely the oldest member here at 62 yrs old .

I remember color tv being a fad & sharing our phone line with 3 other families , the phone number was Cedar 900-60 , only other old coots will remember the phone prefix shit .
Nope JJ and I have ya beat...I'm 64, JJ may be a yr over me
My buddy, 'needsmmj', that posts here is 72!