DISCLAIMER: this is not another asshole comment,
but, when i said illiterate and incompetent, it was because you responded to what i said like a piece of shit,seriously idk why.. maybe u just felt like being a prick. you obviously DIDNT understand (which is incompetent) what i said previously to that, or you COULDNT read it (illiterate).. because all you said was "your the idiot we're talking about".. when i had wrote that I KNOW ITS NOT A STRAIN.. my rebuttal was intended to express that i felt you didn't or couldn't even read what i actually wrote. and if you had understood what i was explaining, you wouldn't have said anything in the first place..
i was agreeing with you, while u felt some need to step in n give your two cents about me. worry about the thread, don't try n bash me because your lower than middle class, mediocre self only makes $96,000 a year.. i hope thats starting pay buddy, and i hope you feel like a real tough guy...

you mook...
post-disclaimer: yeah maybe i did take an assholish route, but next time just worry about yourself