Hydro is NOT a strain...


Well-Known Member
haha..i hear ya on that shit man!

the best was when i went to texas to visit some family..i brought some dank with me, and my cousin didnt think it was weed...because there wasnt any seeds in it!! i fuckin died laughin..
It's truly sad how many people have never been exposed to good weed before. Makes me want to cry.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I live in an area where the general population is clueless when it comes to marijuana. I can't count how many times I have heard an idiot refer to any high grade weed as "hydro" or "dro" (even worse) even though they have no idea what medium and/or method it was grown in. I always do my best to correct them politely by saying something along the lines of, "You can't be too sure that it's actually hydro unless you knew it wasn't grown in soil, my friend." to which they usually reply with something along the lines of, "But this is some killer shit, man. That means it's hydro!"

It may not mean much to some of you, but this type of ignorance infuriates the shit out of me and I am normally a pretty laid back guy. The strains I grow (all in soil, mind you) are some of the best I have ever had and when people refer to my weed as hydro it makes me want to puke. I urge you all so correct the uneducated.

Just because it's killer weed and covered in trichomes does NOT mean it's hydro.

Okay, my rant is over. Time to smoke some "soil." (See how stupid that sounds?) :weed:
Bravo! I am so with you on this. It pisses me off too. All ignorance, which there seems to bea lot of here in the uk.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I live in an area where the general population is clueless when it comes to marijuana. I can't count how many times I have heard an idiot refer to any high grade weed as "hydro" or "dro" (even worse) even though they have no idea what medium and/or method it was grown in. I always do my best to correct them politely by saying something along the lines of, "You can't be too sure that it's actually hydro unless you knew it wasn't grown in soil, my friend." to which they usually reply with something along the lines of, "But this is some killer shit, man. That means it's hydro!"

It may not mean much to some of you, but this type of ignorance infuriates the shit out of me and I am normally a pretty laid back guy. The strains I grow (all in soil, mind you) are some of the best I have ever had and when people refer to my weed as hydro it makes me want to puke. I urge you all so correct the uneducated.

Just because it's killer weed and covered in trichomes does NOT mean it's hydro.

Okay, my rant is over. Time to smoke some "soil." (See how stupid that sounds?) :weed:
I was about to go on a rant about this myself when I wondered if anyone else had. Did a search, and viola!

As soon as I can rep again, I plan to rep you for this post because I completely agree!

What gets me is when you see people HERE ON RIU referring to hydro like it's a strain or grade of weed.


Active Member
you can't always take everything someone says at face value tho. I often say the exact opposite of what I think for my own entertainment. I'll be calling weed dro all the time now because its entertaining to me and I'm sure people will think I'm an idiot for saying dro, which is part of my entertainment


Well-Known Member
you can't always take everything someone says at face value tho. I often say the exact opposite of what I think for my own entertainment. I'll be calling weed dro all the time now because its entertaining to me and I'm sure people will think I'm an idiot for saying dro, which is part of my entertainment
Why can't you take what people say at face value? Why would they say something other than what they mean?

Say what you mean, mean what you say.


Active Member
Well aside from what I just said about why I dont... More often what someone says is not what they mean to say really. Its just the way semantics and communication works. It also depends on the other person understandng it the way you meant it. It happens all the time u get in arguments cus someone cant understand what you mean. Or maybe not arguments but you get my point.

Anyway all that isn't necessarily related to hydro, but it remains I will continue to call weed dro as a joke to myself. Someone else may not get the joke and think I'm an idiot


Well-Known Member
Why can't you take what people say at face value? Why would they say something other than what they mean?

Say what you mean, mean what you say.
DOEDRO on sell soon. I'm going to cross TGA JC2 male with Greenhouse Arjan Ultra Haze 1 female and call it DOEDRO!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
lol, doedro, i'll keep and ear out for it :razz:

I put this thread in my sig, hopefully people will educate themselves.
I'm going to harvest my DOEDRO so I can make some DRODOE!!! LMAO! :clap:

And growing cannabis is a crime??? We're all criminals ready to hit the slammer, up to our ears in comedy.


Well-Known Member
lol, doedro, i'll keep and ear out for it :razz:

I put this thread in my sig, hopefully people will educate themselves.
So I clicked the link in your sig and wound up here . . . . well I read most of the thread . . . . what am I supposed to be learning? :eyesmoke:

Dro is just another stupid slang word IMO, just like chronic, green, weed, ect. I get people asking me for "Dro" and "Chron" all the time, I don't fight with them I just give them the friggin' pot:leaf:


Well-Known Member
So I clicked the link in your sig and wound up here . . . . well I read most of the thread . . . . what am I supposed to be learning? :eyesmoke:

Dro is just another stupid slang word IMO, just like chronic, green, weed, ect. I get people asking me for "Dro" and "Chron" all the time, I don't fight with them I just give them the friggin' pot:leaf:
You don't need to fight them, you should EDUCATE them.

And besides, I don't really care if random people out on the streets say it, they don't grow, they don't know. But members of a grow community like RIU should know better :razz:


Well-Known Member
You don't need to fight them, you should EDUCATE them.

And besides, I don't really care if random people out on the streets say it, they don't grow, they don't know. But members of a grow community like RIU should know better :razz:
I see where you're coming from Wikid . . . but I wonder how many people on RIU actually grow?

I know its a forum specifically for growing cannabis but I see a lot of people that just like to hang out in the forum and smoke.

Where I live there is a very small community of "educated pot-heads" most of them are medical patients and or growers. The rest just smoke and are happy if you give them some "Chron" :roll:.

I do always tell people what they are getting (hydroponic,organic,strain, ect). Most people just don't care as long as it looks pretty. Hell they had to educate me when I got here, on the east coast I had never heard the term "Chron". For a while my response was "Chron? What's that? is White Widow ok? I don't have any chron . . ." :lol:


Well-Known Member
What does growing have to do with knowing? I've never grown hydro, but I know that it's a grow method and not a strain. Besides, I'm not blaming them for not knowing, I just want them to learn. So they don't sound stupid amongst people who know.


Well-Known Member
What does growing have to do with knowing? I've never grown hydro, but I know that it's a grow method and not a strain. Besides, I'm not blaming them for not knowing, I just want them to learn. So they don't sound stupid amongst people who know.
That's true, I'm with you wikid. I am always happy spreading knowledge to anybody open to it.

I wish everyone loved and respected herb as much as you and I! From what I have seen most people just don't don't care though, they just want to get high.

Picked up a new grinder earlier, with a kief screen and the works . . . gonna test it out on some dro I've got:wall::-P