....im too curious about the inside view of hurricaneX controller...can someone show me her inside view...
...what PCB uses ... can share the both sides of this controller?....
NOTE...i've noticed in the web they use the coralux software....wow... but they use the v2.8 version...
...the new firmware version for the coralux StormX or Storm its the v3.0..... downloable in her site... ...awesome to my eye... they continue evolution on the code for the Storm or StormX...great work...and its public... rare on this days... but a great help for diyers... i love Coralux boys... thanks to share ...big apreciate...

...then posibly... the hurricaneX its an stormX modificated a bit....the rotary encoder have other position...
...pics or vids are welcome... share her pcb image ...both side please...
Pd...but basically are an arduino, an rtc ds1307 with batery backup...an PCA9685 module...an digital rotary encoder...and an lcd 16x2 HD44780 compatible...

...similar an typhoon on arduino way...
http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq231/ajmckay2/LED array/Arduinotyphonwiringdiagram02-2013_zps785476a1.jpg
...change the botoms for the rotary encoder... the rtc for the ds3231... add the PCA9685 module... etc....