HurricaneX dimming and off with COB led setup pics about her inside view?... please ... share some photos....

...nobody share pics here?... pics trikcs or better answer...

Pd...thanks Wilson for the pics... yeah no love here better i go on other threads..:wall:.:finger:

...:spew: too curious about the inside view of hurricaneX controller...can someone show me her inside view...
...what PCB uses ... can share the both sides of this controller?....
NOTE...i've noticed in the web they use the coralux but they use the v2.8 version...
...the new firmware version for the coralux StormX or Storm its the v3.0..... downloable in her site... ...awesome to my eye... they continue evolution on the code for the Storm or StormX...great work...and its public... rare on this days... but a great help for diyers... i love Coralux boys... thanks to share ...big apreciate...:hug: .

...then posibly... the hurricaneX its an stormX modificated a bit....the rotary encoder have other position...:fire: or vids are welcome... share her pcb image ...both side please...

Pd...but basically are an arduino, an rtc ds1307 with batery PCA9685 digital rotary encoder...and an lcd 16x2 HD44780 compatible...;) ...similar an typhoon on arduino way... array/Arduinotyphonwiringdiagram02-2013_zps785476a1.jpg

...change the botoms for the rotary encoder... the rtc for the ds3231... add the PCA9685 module... etc....;)


The unit is very simple. It is similar to the stevesled pcb. It has a 10x2 pinout with a simple rotary encoder mounted on right side instead of switches on the lcd. same lcd says storm led conroller. The bottom side just has he pinouts for the lcd, output pins and the serial input, nothing special. I would not waste time or money on this controller. I was going to reprogram it, but just not worth my time with a 16x2 lcd. I prefer the 20x4 lcd and a rotary encoder. The code is complex with many pages, but not very modular and reusable. I would look elsewhere for a controller. This unit only has one setting for all six channels sunrise/sunset, ok if you have a lot of lights on one time, but you cannot get much else out of it. No supplemental lighting schedules, just one light schedule. The coralux and the stevesled have the same basic footprint, coralux uses rotary encoder and button libraries. the addressing is in the code. easy if you have the time and patience. I didn't
IMG_4642.JPG Im not opening my hurricanex to take pics , its now mounted on wall outside the grow tent, everything ready to go, i will do a grow journal with pics of my setup soon. Got some seeds popped that will be ready in a few days to go in tent.
As vegas winner said it is fairly limited but will do me well for a simple 2 x2.5 grow tent.
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Just an update for anyone considering the hurricaneX for a timer. Ive finally got my setup running and found another limitation to the hurricaneX.
Ive decided to try my first grow with an auto so ive got it to seedling stage, put it in the tent and go to set the lights for 20 hour on four hours off cycle. Decide its at its hottest midday so ill make the off cycle from 12pm to 4pm.
So I set it to go on at 4pm (1600) and off at 12pm (1200) and it just doesnt work!
After a lot of pissing around I worked out the hurricaneX doesnt like to cross a day when you set he times.

I worked around the limitation by changing the on time to 2am (0200) and the off time to 10pm (2200) giving me the wanted 20 hours of daylight.
But my off time was now in the middle of the night where I didn't want it.
Next work around, change the clock on the hurricanex so 2am becomes 4pm.
So my clock on the hurricaneX is now running 14hours slow and all working fine, but really, what a piss around!
Lol, yeah that's annoying. Although in the end I guess it doesn't matter what time the Hurricane thinks it is?
Lol, yeah that's annoying. Although in the end I guess it doesn't matter what time the Hurricane thinks it is?
No it doesnt matter lol, it was just baffling for a while, I thought I had a faulty unit , I was re reading the manual ( which has no troubleshooting section) and googling shit but no answers there, Just bloody trial and error found the problem.