HurricaneX dimming and off with COB led setup

Hi VegasWinner, i checked your site out, your growgreen led is something I should have bought before I got this hurricanex! ( the hurricane x is steves leds upgrade from the typhon) the growgreen looks great and Im all for your philosophy of making a growroom work well so you can focus on growing. Im planning a fairly tiny grow room but I want it to be as efficent and automated as it can be because I wont be abke to get to it every day.
So I have a question, I did find that thread regarding on/off functionaliity and it seems for what I want to do an easy way would be to buy and install this?

Then i would be able to turn the HGL DRIVER to off?
To be honest even buying that and attempting to connect it is slightly daunting but if thats a simple way I will give it a crack! I did install a PID temp contol kit onto my coffee machine a few years back and didn't kill myself so Ive got that on my side:)
Thanks for the help.
there you go. that turns the driver on and off. no problem wit6h those. Just use the Live side and leave the neautral and ground alone. All you need is 5v to drive relay and you are there. you can buy a 5v power supply too from ebay Now for dimming save your money on their un8it and get one of these for each channel at $4 each.
there you go. that turns the driver on and off. no problem wit6h those. Just use the Live side and leave the neautral and ground alone. All you need is 5v to drive relay and you are there. you can buy a 5v power supply too from ebay Now for dimming save your money on their un8it and get one of these for each channel at $4 each.
Now I apologise in advance for my lack of understanding, but where exactly do I connect this relay up to the hgl driver? Im guessing the dimming wires of the driver? Maybe not? Or does it connect to the hgl ac in?
Then dimming the cobs is done on a separate channel and ill need to convert this chanel to 10v via the links you posted or steves leds converter.
Summary: the on off function is on 1 channel via 5v and dimming is via another channel via 10v to the wires of the hgl driver.
Sound like Im close?
Connect the 5v pwm signal to a relay. Connect the10v pwm signal with - to Dim- and + to Dim+. Both signals must come from the same channel.
there you go. that turns the driver on and off. no problem wit6h those. Just use the Live side and leave the neautral and ground alone. All you need is 5v to drive relay and you are there. you can buy a 5v power supply too from ebay Now for dimming save your money on their un8it and get one of these for each channel at $4 each.
Sorry 1 more question, ive bought the relay and the converter, they both need 5v powersupply, with that link from ebay you sent

they sell 5v powersupplys from 2amp to 72amp. What do I need?
Volts are much more important here. Amps are lower demand. The key is a constant 5v signal available to the relays to stop chatter. Reducs your ramp up time to under a minute to move you led driver past 10% quickly. The phase at and below 10% causes problems for hlg drivers.
Volts are much more important here. Amps are lower demand. The key is a constant 5v signal available to the relays to stop chatter. Reducs your ramp up time to under a minute to move you led driver past 10% quickly. The phase at and below 10% causes problems for hlg drivers.
Thanks Again.
IMG_4364.JPG Back Again, have purchaced all the gear, have my lights set up, now just need a hand in correctly wiring the relay and 5v to 10v converter.
The converter I think I have sorted but just wanted to double check that the pwm and gnd connections (the two on the bottom left with pwm and gnd) are for the 10v side and the gnd and vin are the 5v side? Please see first pic above.....
The top two connections im pretty certain are for the 5v power supply.

Second question, the relay ( see second and third pics below) im really unsure of what goes where. If I could get some help id be much obliged!

Ive also added a pic of my light setup, stilll gotta tidy up the wiring but lookin fairly neat.


Volts are much more important here. Amps are lower demand. The key is a constant 5v signal available to the relays to stop chatter. Reducs your ramp up time to under a minute to move you led driver past 10% quickly. The phase at and below 10% causes problems for hlg drivers.
BUMP sorry VegasWinner I need your help , had to summon you, please see above post.^
Volts are much more important here. Amps are lower demand. The key is a constant 5v signal available to the relays to stop chatter. Reducs your ramp up time to under a minute to move you led driver past 10% quickly. The phase at and below 10% causes problems for hlg drivers.
Hi again, ive read some more and made a diagram could you let me know if correct? IMG_4383.JPG
this modul tranfers a 0 -10V Signal into a 0 -100% PWM signal.
ir does not lift up a 5V PWM signal to a 10V PWM signal !!!
well i bought this module on VegasWinners advise that it does exactly that! Read back over this thread. If it doesnt then can youu direct me to something that does? It does say 0-5v 0-10v on the module.
Take the 10v stevesled converter out of the circuit. Run the pwm pin from controller to vin and ground. Connect the meanwell driver dim- to grd and connect Dim+ to pwm. Should work just like that.
Connect pwm from controller to relay control. Connect 5v to pwr and connect your driver to no normally open nc is normally closed run your 110v line to no and output to your driver. That should work