Well-Known Member
there you go. that turns the driver on and off. no problem wit6h those. Just use the Live side and leave the neautral and ground alone. All you need is 5v to drive relay and you are there. you can buy a 5v power supply too from ebay Now for dimming save your money on their un8it and get one of these for each channel at $4 each. VegasWinner, i checked your site out, your growgreen led is something I should have bought before I got this hurricanex! ( the hurricane x is steves leds upgrade from the typhon) the growgreen looks great and Im all for your philosophy of making a growroom work well so you can focus on growing. Im planning a fairly tiny grow room but I want it to be as efficent and automated as it can be because I wont be abke to get to it every day.
So I have a question, I did find that thread regarding on/off functionaliity and it seems for what I want to do an easy way would be to buy and install this?
Then i would be able to turn the HGL DRIVER to off?
To be honest even buying that and attempting to connect it is slightly daunting but if thats a simple way I will give it a crack! I did install a PID temp contol kit onto my coffee machine a few years back and didn't kill myself so Ive got that on my side
Thanks for the help.