Well-Known Member
I vote t5 for veg, there are 8 lamp 4 foots that put out over 40k lumens, and you can practically sit the light barely above the plants. You can use your own combination of 3000k and 6500k lamps to achieve whatever balance you want. They don't need air cooling. They use less energy than the most comparable size of hid light which is a 400w, and i mean way less, if you compare a mag ballast hid to this fixture. Plus, they are maintenance free, can run forever without having bulbs go bad a lot, bulbs are cheap, the list goes and goes.
As for flowering, you can't beat the old hps bulb and an air cooled hood reflector. Get the biggest and most expensive you can afford to run and keep cool in your space. From what I have seen firsthand and second, once you get good at cultivating crops from indoor grows, the only ways to get better yields is better light and temp control.
My choice from your bulbs would be the hortilux, given that is all of the three I have used before. Great bulbs though.
Floro's are great for seedlings and vegging. Yes, they are good for growing what we are growing, as evinced by the many who use and swear by them. They are capable of producing good bud.
But are they optimal? No. Are they cheaper to operate? No. On your electric bill, you can see that you are paying per kilowatt/Hour (1000 watts per hour) Your average home computer is between 450 and 525 watts. Watts are watts, no matter what is using them. A home computer that uses 450 watts costs about the same to operate as a 400w MH or HPS light. So to say that a 400w flourescent fixture uses less power than a 400w HID is kinda silly. For example: A 400w flourescent produces 40,000 lumens, and a 400w HPS produces 55,000 lumens. Which costs less to operate? Neither. They cost the same per Kw/Hr. With a HPS,however, you're getting 15,000 more lumens. That makes HID lighting more efficient in terms of light output per watt.
1st choice - 400 Watt GE Lucalox PSL/XO HPS $62
Specs: 28,500LH, 56,500 Lumens

2nd choice - 400 Watt Eye Hortilux Enhanced HPS $85
Specs: 24,000LH, 55,000 Lumens, CCT2100K, Base Mogul
3rd choice - 400 Watt Enhanced HPS Light Bulb Osram Plantastar $65
Specs: 32,000LH, 55,000L, CCT2000K, Base Mogul
Lets start with bulb life. A typical MH or HPS bulb has an expected lifespan of 18,000 to 20,000 hours. A CFL has an expected lifespan of between 6000 and 8000 hrs. About HALF that of HIDs.
Now lets compare the 3 choices:
They all have great lifespans for the bulbs, and are all within 1000 lumens of each other and they are within 100 DegK in color temp of each other. I'd say they are really close to each other performance wise. The only appreciable difference that I CAN SEE, is price. Is an additional 1000 lumens worth the $20 extra for the Hortilux?
Light is light across the spectrum on a sliding scale. A given bulb will produce XXX amount of light equally across the range of the spectrum it's designed to reproduce. 2100 degrees kelvin is the same color temperature no matter what the light source. It can be floro, HID or a flashlight for that matter. The only important values here are the light output in lumens, and the spectral range of that light output.
"Conversion" type HIDs have an added element that adds another frequency range to the bulb. However, "most" conversion bulbs have about 10,000 to 15,000 fewer lumens. Is the loss of light output worth the added color range (light frequency)?
Unless a company has come up with a way to produce a light thats more "usable" to plants than other companies, then light is light. The marketing boys are the ones who stick labels like "Advanced Agro" or "enhanced", or the "Your plants will love this light 'cuz it cost more" on thier bulbs. The reality is that the only differences in bulbs is the quality of light they emit. And by quality of light, I mean the characteristics of the light (intensity/color temp). Remember, 2100 degK is the same no matter where it comes from.
In short, while you can certainly grow pot with floros or CFLs, and do a good job, HID lighting is alot more cost effective, and greater in intensity.
I am not saying that Floros or CFLs are not good because they are. I am saying that watt for watt, HIDs far outperform any floros whether they are CFLs, T12, or T8s. To say that floros cost less to operate is nonsense. And given the choice of 2 bulbs with exactly the same characteristics of light, buying the one that says "Enhanced" (or whatever term they use to make you THINK it's better) is just throwing money away.
Just my opinion.......................I COULD be wrong.