Multiple Used VirsaSpectra LEDs extra cheap- worth it?

Theres a few things you may wanna consider...

Cooling and ceiling height: most people wouldnt do 1000w hps with less than 8 feet ceilings. Hard to not fry the plants. Especially if youre drawing air from inside at 74-77 °. Ok you got an aircooled hood, you can maybe draw air from outside to cool it and make up for this partially. But the hood will also eat up som height inside. What height is your plants when you flip from veg to flower? Have they got space to double or tripple in size?

Tim here is showing some lovely plants and yes you can vegg with MH and HPS, especially super hps with whiteish spectrum. But theres a few things to have in mind. First of all stretch will depend on many things. You see how nice and bushy his plants are? They arent touching, leave to leave, and thus dont feel that they compete over light. When they do this its a different story, especially if they have other factors of stretch (IR, far red, low light conditions, high heat), they might bolt, and when one stretches they all stretch.
So veging with 600 will actually keep your plants shorter than a 400. Low intensity, they look for the light. Blue for vegg: led users vegg bushes with as low as 3000k, which only has about 12 % blue. As for HPS spectrum being bluer at 3 feet than 1.5, i dont really give any credit to that, all respect to Tim, but i think its more on planetary distances. Also, vegging 4x4 with 1000w hps and low clearance sounds like a bad idea to me, maybe for the last week before flipp ok, but during seedling stage id iay nono.

Its more about how you do it, keeping plants separate, keeping the right environment, good idea to vegg for a week with whatever is your final light before you flipp so they are used to light youll gice them. Remember that plants from seed needs to be mature enough before flowering, no matter how big youve youve vegged them.

When i see youre way of reasoning it reminds me of myself a few years ago, the same inquisitive mind setting out to read up on forums to prepare for the first ambitious grow. However there are so many things about growing that youll only learn about thru practice.
My suggestions to you is this: do a test run first. Maybe 12 plants or so, that way you have maybe 9 left after the first one dies on you, or for removing the small runty ones. Use some cheap but stable seeds. Try out some plant training before you go full mainlining. Use soil, less effort to ph. If u wanna use your own compost, try a few variants of mixing in aireation. Get yourself comfortable with watering; overwatering is the first typical misstake. As you grow, read up on VPD and remember the tables will be very different for hps and led, due to different leaf temprature. That will get you covered as far as environment, as long as you can control temp drop and humidity spike at lights off.
A test grow will also see if youre likely to get buggs. Or PM.
If you have fresh worm compost, brew some compost teas and try it out.

While your doing this setup a vegg tent and start your mainlining. But get some ordinary growing skills, the practical bit, as well first. Otherwise you are liekly to vegg and mainline your plants for a few months and then either have burnt or pm plants after a short while in flower. See the whole cycle out before getting advanced.
I think I need a little indoor experience before I get into fancy quantum boards. I think I’m satisfied with what I have for lights now to start. I’ve got a 600w MH for veg and 1000w HPS for flower. I’m confident it’s the best route to start with.

While you’re all looking l, now that my question is answered, let me ask one more before you all bounce.

I’ve got some time to put this set up together. I’m making my own soil, so I’ve got some time before I get a girl in the ground.

Off the top of anyone’s head, any suggestion would be appreciated...

I’d like a high potency, high yielding strain to mainline and maintain a canopy in a screen.

I don’t care about the challenge of training sativas in limited space, I can do it. As long as it’ll knock me on my ass when I smoke it, and give me lots of dry weight if I do it right.

Suggestions on seeds AND WHERE TO ORDER THEM from?!?

1000w hps grow, organic soil

Someone may of already said it, I just woke up and haven't read the next page yet. But Blue Dream By HSO is a great strain.
Just google it, should be able to find it from a lot of vendors.
Theres a few things you may wanna consider...

Cooling and ceiling height: most people wouldnt do 1000w hps with less than 8 feet ceilings. Hard to not fry the plants. Especially if youre drawing air from inside at 74-77 °. Ok you got an aircooled hood, you can maybe draw air from outside to cool it and make up for this partially. But the hood will also eat up som height inside. What height is your plants when you flip from veg to flower? Have they got space to double or tripple in size?

Tim here is showing some lovely plants and yes you can vegg with MH and HPS, especially super hps with whiteish spectrum. But theres a few things to have in mind. First of all stretch will depend on many things. You see how nice and bushy his plants are? They arent touching, leave to leave, and thus dont feel that they compete over light. When they do this its a different story, especially if they have other factors of stretch (IR, far red, low light conditions, high heat), they might bolt, and when one stretches they all stretch.
So veging with 600 will actually keep your plants shorter than a 400. Low intensity, they look for the light. Blue for vegg: led users vegg bushes with as low as 3000k, which only has about 12 % blue. As for HPS spectrum being bluer at 3 feet than 1.5, i dont really give any credit to that, all respect to Tim, but i think its more on planetary distances. Also, vegging 4x4 with 1000w hps and low clearance sounds like a bad idea to me, maybe for the last week before flipp ok, but during seedling stage id iay nono.

Its more about how you do it, keeping plants separate, keeping the right environment, good idea to vegg for a week with whatever is your final light before you flipp so they are used to light youll gice them. Remember that plants from seed needs to be mature enough before flowering, no matter how big youve youve vegged them.

When i see youre way of reasoning it reminds me of myself a few years ago, the same inquisitive mind setting out to read up on forums to prepare for the first ambitious grow. However there are so many things about growing that youll only learn about thru practice.
My suggestions to you is this: do a test run first. Maybe 12 plants or so, that way you have maybe 9 left after the first one dies on you, or for removing the small runty ones. Use some cheap but stable seeds. Try out some plant training before you go full mainlining. Use soil, less effort to ph. If u wanna use your own compost, try a few variants of mixing in aireation. Get yourself comfortable with watering; overwatering is the first typical misstake. As you grow, read up on VPD and remember the tables will be very different for hps and led, due to different leaf temprature. That will get you covered as far as environment, as long as you can control temp drop and humidity spike at lights off.
A test grow will also see if youre likely to get buggs. Or PM.
If you have fresh worm compost, brew some compost teas and try it out.

While your doing this setup a vegg tent and start your mainlining. But get some ordinary growing skills, the practical bit, as well first. Otherwise you are liekly to vegg and mainline your plants for a few months and then either have burnt or pm plants after a short while in flower. See the whole cycle out before getting advanced.

Rocket, tons of really excellent advice in there thanks a lot! Very logical.

*ill be sure to go for a taller tent, tallest I can
*ill only ever be training into a short canopy, rather than growing vertically indoors. I know this won’t stop buds from reaching for the light though.
*im prepared to veg with 600 and bloom with 1000 at a safe distance.
*ive got two window unit ACs if I need to cool the room my tent is in beyond how I cool my house
*i can’t imagine that with a temp-trolled house, two 350+ fans in/exhaust, with fans oscillating inside, that temperature control will be a huge issue. I think I’m set up for success there. I control the air outside the tent, and will vent all the warm air directly outside the house thru the wall.
*ill be sure to introduce new light week before flower
*ill always use soil, my own.
*ill mainline my second grow ;)

I’ll be sure to keep a journal and update you on my first grow.
Rocket, tons of really excellent advice in there thanks a lot! Very logical.

*ill be sure to go for a taller tent, tallest I can
*ill only ever be training into a short canopy, rather than growing vertically indoors. I know this won’t stop buds from reaching for the light though.
*im prepared to veg with 600 and bloom with 1000 at a safe distance.
*ive got two window unit ACs if I need to cool the room my tent is in beyond how I cool my house
*i can’t imagine that with a temp-trolled house, two 350+ fans in/exhaust, with fans oscillating inside, that temperature control will be a huge issue. I think I’m set up for success there. I control the air outside the tent, and will vent all the warm air directly outside the house thru the wall.
*ill be sure to introduce new light week before flower
*ill always use soil, my own.
*ill mainline my second grow ;)

I’ll be sure to keep a journal and update you on my first grow.

Hi Beard,

Make sure you have plenty of air extraction too. 6inch fan sounds under powered to me. Mainly for extracting excess heat.

My own tent is a 4x4x7 grow tent. Much like yours. 600 watts is plenty for mine, from seed to harvest. But i run an 8inch extraction fan.
Your gonna need at least an 8inch fan for 1000watt bulb imo. A 6inch will manage 600watts though.

All the best,


Hi Beard,

Make sure you have plenty of air extraction too. 6inch fan sounds under powered to me. Mainly for extracting excess heat.

My own tent is a 4x4x7 grow tent. Much like yours. 600 watts is plenty for mine, from seed to harvest. But i run an 8inch extraction fan.
Your gonna need at least an 8inch fan for 1000watt bulb imo. A 6inch will manage 600watts though.

All the best,



Great tip, thanks!!! I’ll be sure to go 8” on the fan.

The hood is actually 8”, too...
For Veg you can't go wrong with some lower power HLG boards man. LEDs VEG pretty nicely.

Quantum boards, I’d end up getting ripped off. I’ll look into more advanced lighting after I bring some ladies thru to harvest.

What I’ve gotten so far is
*Improve tent height
*improve circulation w/ lgr fan
*MH or HPS good for veg at 600
*Prepare for humidity spike after lights out
*Versaspectra sucks the big one
Appart from 2 Samsung chips and one Nichia, and a few COBs, anything not made with those parts, is not going to put down the amount of light you need to make the transition worthwhile.
Appart from 2 Samsung chips and one Nichia, and a few COBs, anything not made with those parts, is not going to put down the amount of light you need to make the transition worthwhile.

I don’t know anything about this stuff. Can you point me to a good starting place to read and learn up a bit?
Basically, you have the LM561C top-bin LEDs in gen 3 F Strips and HLG boards, LM301 which is the new replacement., I think HLG gets a bin higher than what is available to the public even, and then there are the new Nichias, I don't know the model number on those off heart. though.

There are lots of fake lower bin products on Chinese sites...not to mention the false advertising on Amazon products, that won;t grow anything but lettuce, you get what you pay for though... get the real thing or just buy some HID lights.
Hi Beard.

I thought I might give you an update.
600watt super hps.
Hps at 6 foot high.
4X4 tent. 7 foot tall.

12th OF JULY.

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Dude nice!!!! Yeah looks like they’re loving that 600!! How are you going to let those ride out? Gonna do any training?

If you had a cooled hood with glass on the front couldn’t you get the light closer? Do you want to get the light closer? Man these photos made me itchy I wanna fuckin start
my shit!
Hey man,

Cheers, fine so far. Fingers crossed.

Mate i reckon thats the secret to hps too. The reflector. My reflector is huge. Heavy glass panel. 2x3ft reflector inside a 4x4.
I get better spread.

Hahaha well i encourage you to give it a go, first grow. Just to get the feel of it all.
I'll keep a veg update, for you in this thread if you like?
That way you'll get a good head start, when you use your light?

I'll top in about a week. Top them again in a fortnight. A week or two later. Flip.
Kill any boys.


Na. They're just starting to show apical dominance.
But i like to veg them a little longer before i start training, and pruning.
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Hey man,

Cheers, fine so far. Fingers crossed.

Mate i reckon thats the secret to hps too. The reflector. My reflector is huge. Heavy glass panel. 2x3ft reflector inside a 4x4.
I get better spread.

Hahaha well i encourage you to give it a go, first grow. Just to get the feel of it all.
I'll keep a veg update, for you in this thread if you like?
That way you'll get a good head start, when you use your light?

I'll top in about a week. Top them again in a fortnight. A week or two later. Flip.
Kill any boys.


Na. They're just starting to show apical dominance.
But i like to veg them a little longer before i start training, and pruning.

I’ll take updates wherever you put them.

I’ll be in a 4x4 and the hood I got is a big fucker with a glass hood too. XXXL 8”. Fuckers big.

Thanks for updates Tim.
I’ll take updates wherever you put them.

I’ll be in a 4x4 and the hood I got is a big fucker with a glass hood too. XXXL 8”. Fuckers big.

Thanks for updates Tim.

Hi Beard,

Just sticking to my word.
They've been topped once. I topped them again today.
Probably start flower by next week.
Wish me luck, and best of luck with your own.


Hi Beard,

Just sticking to my word.
They've been topped once. I topped them again today.
Probably start flower by next week.
Wish me luck, and best of luck with your own.


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Hey Tim!

Those are beautiful man, you must be wicked excited! How tall are they? Can I see below the canopy?! Could I also see a closer picture of the first topped location? For educational purposes :) those are lovely man, can’t wait to get mine running here. I’ve got a ways to go. I’ve got pretty much everything for my tents, just need a few more pieces and small things before the setup is complete.

I got a big commercial dehumidifier kind of accidentally. I didn’t pay for it. It was entirely a coincidence when it uh, appeared... so I took advantage. I’m really excited about that because as you know I’m in the tropics, and battling humidity even indoors is nearly impossible. Especially in a tent under 1000w with loving plants inside. The dehu will be good for harvesting/drying too.

I gave my old boss half the worms back. I realized I don’t need nearly as many as I had, the way they went thru what I fed them was unreal. I still have a huge amount and that’s cool because I’m going big on the outdoor food garden this year too.

Hot piles are going and cooking. Worm bins rocking. Got all my soil amendments ready. I’m super excited.

You know you should check out @ganga gurl420 ’s grow- 400 gal outdoor grow its fucking incredible. I’ve been watching. Check out the stalks!

Be well, my Aussie friend