HpLVd, information, Vendors, Testing and Reviews

Instagram? For scientific research?

And that's all you see. Labs making money off of testing for something that hasn't even been proven to afflict cannabis. And they're pushing it hard all over social media.
No. Not at all. And I dont do Instagram.

You are so far off the mark here xtsho. Its literally cringey to see this kind of denial from someone that should know better.
Instagram? For scientific research?

And that's all you see. Labs making money off of testing for something that hasn't even been proven to afflict cannabis. And they're pushing it hard all over social media.
A: no lab on this earth tests for free. Why would they??

B: there's people on this forum.. Lots who have had this pathogen. We had it already. So how can it be conspiracy.

C: Instagram is a form of social media where people share ( labs too) their pics and information.
I like Instagram it just another platform. Yeah there's lots of hype but we live in a world capitalism. That's life.

Maybe xtsho, you can start a thread for conspiracy theories in the cannabis world.. I'm sure it will be quite popular. Least then these threads can be kept to what we have found or experienced rather than "is the earth flat" type arguments.
No. Not at all. And I dont do Instagram.

You are so far off the mark here xtsho. Its literally cringey to see this kind of denial from someone that should know better.

I should know better? I just want to see some actual scientific evidence other than some guy at a nursery claiming he discovered it in cannabis. They have a link for a white paper on their website but it just goes to an order page. I researched for quite awhile and came up with nothing but the same information traced back to just a few people.

I also never said It doesn't exist in cannabis but that I'm not convinced or that it's as big of an issue as all these labs are making it out to be.

I have probably done more research on this recently than most that have posted in this thread. I'm not just going to say "Oh, some cannabis company says there is this virus affecting cannabis and they have a cure so it must be true". There needs to be something more substantial than that for me to just buy in to something. I've spent all morning reading every article I could find regarding it. 90% of it was from labs doing the testing. Not a single science based article, blurb, etc... anywhere except for the links to the abstract I've already posted. No matter what search terms I use I can't find anything other than links to labs testing for it.

I'm on the mark.
They won't be selling anything to me that's for sure.

I can't find any peer reviewed study of their findings just some abstract using a sample size of six plants. The link to the white paper on the DHN website just takes you to a page to place orders and wait for the next "Drop". I got a chuckle out of that. I also found other labs that will charge you to test for it.

I'm not convinced at all that this exists in cannabis and if it does that it's as big an issue as these companies offering testing and cures is making it out to be. All of the information traces back to a very small group of people and no independent peer review can be found. Literally every link is using the same information that came from one source.

And surely hemp farmers would already suffer badly from it and have citrus fruit and grape etc restrictions on what staff can bring to site since one leaf can spread the disease.

Spread through seeds, every replant would spread the viroid to next crop, eventually third failure plus more as crop susceptibility increases.

Yes it seems completely rubbish another cannabis marketing ploy but I'll keep an open mind, maybe hemp farms will start confirming the facts.

Dark heart nursery is a joke anyway, money before anything.
I like Instagram it just another platform. Yeah there's lots of hype but we live in a world capitalism. That's life.

Maybe xtsho, you can start a thread for conspiracy theories in the cannabis world.. I'm sure it will be quite popular. Least then these threads can be kept to what we have found or experienced rather than "is the earth flat" type arguments.

Don't even think of making me out to be some conspiracy theorist. I need to see more proof of this impending doom facing cannabis growers. I can't find any even after hours of researching. Everything leads back to one nursery and a bunch of labs doing testing or some social media.

I'm the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy theorist will believe things without proof. I'm asking to see proof and you can't provide it.
You are denying something in the face of modern day science.
And why does the world need to prove to you it exists?? Who are you? Are you a leader in the medical marijuana community?
That's not me being sarcastic that's a genuine question
Don't even think of making me out to be some conspiracy theorist. I need to see more proof of this impending doom facing cannabis growers. I can't find any even after hours of researching. Everything leads back to one nursery and a bunch of labs doing testing or some social media.

I'm the opposite of a conspiracy theorist. A conspiracy theorist will believe things without proof. I'm asking to see proof and you can't provide it.
You know what.. Landraces don't exist anymore. They don't exist because I have never seen one.

It's just all marketing gimmicks so people can sell seeds labelled as Landraces seeds. Case closed.
And surely hemp farmers would already suffer badly from it and have citrus fruit and grape etc restrictions on what staff can bring to site since one leaf can spread the disease.

Spread through seeds, every replant would spread the viroid to next crop, eventually third failure plus more as crop susceptibility increases.

Yes it seems completely rubbish another cannabis marketing ploy but I'll keep an open mind, maybe hemp farms will start confirming the facts.

Dark heart nursery is a joke anyway, money before anything.

I don't know or care anything about that nursery. I do know that I can't find any information at all regarding this except for the same stuff tracing back to that nursery. I searched a half a dozen hemp growing organization sites and most of the big cannabis business sites and didn't find anything.

I also find it hard to believe that if it would have a potential $4 billion loss to the industry that there wouldn't be more coverage of it and stories of that kind of financial loss making big news.
You are denying something in the face of modern day science.
And why does the world need to prove to you it exists?? Who are you? Are you a leader in the medical marijuana community?
That's not me being sarcastic that's a genuine question

You don't get it. I'm asking you to show me the science. But you can't. Where is the study with the findings?

I don't need to be a leader in anything. I do need to see proof before accepting something as fact. Can you show it to me? Something other than DHN says they identified it in cannabis? That's all I'm asking for.
You don't get it. I'm asking you to show me the science. But you can't. Where is the study with the findings?

I don't need to be a leader in anything. I do need to see proof before accepting something as fact. Can you show it to me? Something other than DHN says they identified it in cannabis? That's all I'm asking for.
I don't want to show you the science.. Educate yourself. Don't expect to be spoon fed like a baby.
It's not my job to educate you
You don't get it. I'm asking you to show me the science. But you can't. Where is the study with the findings?

I don't need to be a leader in anything. I do need to see proof before accepting something as fact. Can you show it to me? Something other than DHN says they identified it in cannabis? That's all I'm asking for.
I already said if you are on social media you will see this already. But you're not. You're the one who doesn't seem to get it. It's like denying pm because you never had it

And sorry but it's a really poor argument to say that because you can't find the info that it doesn't exist. I know it exists because it took down my whole grow. I lost everything. Then I come on a forum to share experiences and end up being told I need to educate and prove to You something that I already know exists. It's ridiculous. At this point you can believe it or not I don't care what one person says.
I don't want to show you the science.. Educate yourself. Don't expect to be spoon fed like a baby.
It's not my job to educate you

I did educate myself, as said everything about hop viroid in cannabis comes from cannabis companies and not the global hemp organisations which is very suspect.

You should be more open minded to the possibility that it's bogus or not a crop issue.
I did educate myself, as said everything about hop viroid in cannabis comes from cannabis companies and not the global hemp organisations which is very suspect.

You should be more open minded to the possibility that it's bogus or not a crop issue.

First study:

"The consistent detection of HLVd alone in all symptomatic plants from both locations and its occurrence in only a few asymptomatic plants point to an association of the disease with the stunted Cannabis. HLVd can persist in hops without symptoms, and Cannabis cultivators should take measures to minimize mechanical transmission while keeping in mind that HLVd may also be seed transmissible "

Source: https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6716035

Second study:

"Only the plants that were inoculated with the infectious RNA constructs showed stunting, malformed and chlorotic leaf symptoms, and tested positive for the presence of HLVd by RT-PCR. These results confirm the occurrence of HLVd in Cannabis sativa. "

Source: https://pubag.nal.usda.gov/catalog/6716042

Odd the first study was posted as a means of denying the virus in marijuana because of its small sample size. That coupled with dozens of independent PhDs working in dozens of independent labs with no connection to dhn should be convincing even for anti-science individuals. You'd be grasping at straws if you're argument was that cannabis was not displaying symptoms of hplvd. However, your stance that it is not even being detected in hemp and marijuana is objectively false. Are you involved in the sale of clones?
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I've never seen a hop virus in any plant,

See above ^

Marijuana growers in general are in the dark ages. The amount of tin foil placed on the head is astounding. When dhn released they had sequenced and confirmed the presence of hplvd in cannabis years ago, people's ears should have perked up. The narrative that dhn is riding this for $25 testing fees is comical. The scientific community involved in protecting serious marijuana cultivators is long past the denial stage. The suspects denying the presence of hplvd in marijuana are likely to be people whose livelihood is built around distributing clones. The one's incapable of running a professional business i.e. 99% of the sellers on strainly.
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See above ^

Marijuana growers in general are in the dark ages. The amount of tin foil placed on the head is astounding. When dhn released they had sequenced and confirmed the presence of hplvd in cannabis years ago, people's ears should have perked up. The narrative that dhn is riding this for $25 testing fees is comical. The scientific community involved in protecting serious marijuana cultivators is long past the denial stage.
Yeah they sell clones faster and its probably more profitable.. what's a clone there like 25? They probably don't make a lot from testing.
Yeah they sell clones faster and its probably more profitable.. what's a clone there like 25? They probably don't make a lot from testing.

It's not as if they have a proprietary system for detecting the viroid and work as the sole arbiter of detection. They are a professionally run enterprise. There is nothing to gain on their end from falsely claiming hlpvd is being detected in hemp and marijuana when others can easily dispute the finding. After its confirmation, it makes sense to offer to test and begin searching for treatments to capitalize on. The same thing dozens of other businesses are now actively engaged in because HpLVd in marijuana is accepted.
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