HpLVd, information, Vendors, Testing and Reviews

HpLVd is most definitely infecting hemp and marijuana. What you are seeing is how viral infection affects nutrient uptake. You can find pictures two decades old of poorly grown marijuana crops all over the forums caused by grower error. During 2014-2018 there was denial that a pathogen was being passed along. It's 2021, hlpvd is confirmed. Protect your wife and children. "It's just magnesium deficiency bro"

Confirmation was not in the literature reference they used for the report.

I asked where the confirmation was in the references they used.

I've never seen a hop virus in any plant, are hemp crops around the world at risk of failure since the mode of transport vectors are so virilant as per your claims?

Can a more authorative organisation or world hemp company confirm this instead of D.Heart and the $25 dollar test fee?
Confirmation was not in the literature reference they used for the report.

I asked where the confirmation was in the references they used.

I've never seen a hop virus in any plant, are hemp crops around the world at risk of failure since the mode of transport vectors are so virilant as per your claims?

Can a more authorative organisation or world hemp company confirm this instead of D.Heart and the $25 dollar test fee?

What exactly is your stance? HpLVd is not the force behind PCIA? DHN does not have a monopoly on rt-qpcr testing under use by dozens of independent facilities that are detecting the presence of hop latent viroid in hemp and marijuana. They put in the legwork for initial RNA sequencing to ID potential causes of PCIA. What pedigree do you bring here that enables you to boldly claim DHN is involved in a conspiracy with other facilities and their independent phds to fake hplvd infection in hemp and marijuana? Hop latent viroid, hop stunt viroid, beet curly top virus, and lettuce chlorosis virus.. all IDed in marijuana.
What exactly is your stance? HpLVd is not the force behind PCIA? DHN does not have a monopoly on rt-qpcr testing under use by dozens of independent facilities that are detecting the presence of hop latent viroid in hemp and marijuana. They put in the legwork for initial RNA sequencing to ID potential causes of PCIA. What pedigree do you bring here that enables you to boldly claim DHN is involved in a conspiracy with other facilities and their independent phds to fake hplvd infection in hemp and marijuana? Hop latent viroid, hop stunt viroid, beet curly top virus, and lettuce chlorosis virus.. all IDed in marijuana.
Confirmation was not in the literature reference they used for the report.

I asked where the confirmation was in the references they used.

I've never seen a hop virus in any plant, are hemp crops around the world at risk of failure since the mode of transport vectors are so virilant as per your claims?

Can a more authorative organisation or world hemp company confirm this instead of D.Heart and the $25 dollar test fee?
I mean I know some people on the forums dont use social media but hplvd is quite, a big thing all the tissue culture nurseries are all talking about it as well as independent scientists who work with mj. Dark heart is just one on the more accessible testing labs. I'd appreciate you retracting the comment about me selling anything since I only started this thread to help people. Sadly I'm not getting paid for chatting on forums lol
In all my life I've never witnessed hemp farmers complain of stunt viroids but I have see it in hops citrus and one or two others.

The exact species and sub species does not seem listed in research journals but there seems to be a plethora of cannabis companies claiming $4 billion dollar losses and threat to the industry.

Why would a healthy cannabis plant succumb to this viroid, there seems suggestions that it dosent.

But let's not argue, it's virulence and vectors mean that now about a third of hemp and cannabis crops across the world have failed now.

Saying one thing but not seeing the outcome is a problem since it dosent support the initial theory.

The only ones promoting it seem to be cannabis companies, seems there more to the story than simply fearing a viroid is wiping out trichomes globally.
So what are you saying about the, symptoms people are seeing??
And different labs testing samples which are positive for hop latent viroid?
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In all my life I've never witnessed hemp farmers complain of stunt viroids but I have see it in hops citrus and one or two others.

The exact species and sub species does not seem listed in research journals but there seems to be a plethora of cannabis companies claiming $4 billion dollar losses and threat to the industry.

Why would a healthy cannabis plant succumb to this viroid, there seems suggestions that it dosent.

But let's not argue, it's virulence and vectors mean that now about a third of hemp and cannabis crops across the world have failed now.

Saying one thing but not seeing the outcome is a problem since it dosent support the initial theory.

The only ones promoting it seem to be cannabis companies, seems there more to the story than simply fearing a viroid is wiping out trichomes globally.
So because you havent seen it it doesnt exist? Its 2021 - there are no conspiracies and we are long past the denial phase.

I'm sorry but the rest of your posts just screams noob.
No but it will initiate a SAR. Aspirin and chitosan oligosaccharide used very early on can beat it back. Nothing except TC can truly eradicate it.
Yeah I remember that chitosan was a remedy for this on icmag.. It might help the plants but you're right tissue culture is the only cure I've read about.
Well it has to be about preservation.. If it was a plant you didn't want to preserve, you could toss it in the bin and clean down. Then hplvd wouldn't be an issue.

We all have our tastes or opinions.. There drama in every hobby... Golf, fishing or whatever. Especially on the forums and Instagram etc.

I read that article and it appears to have only been identified in the US and Canada. If these strains are actually infected maybe it's best they just go away before it spreads further.

It's also ironic that a company that denied it's existence is now some kind of hero ready to profit from some kind of proprietary technology they've developed. Screw all of that. Like I said, I don't care about or need any of these great cuts that really are just crosses of other strains to begin with. US breeders have taken pollen chucking to a new level. Chuck and sell as fast as you can is the motto. Now it seems if there's any truth to this virus existing in cannabis that they've been spreading the virus with all these chucks and fancy designer cuts that are clone only.

I'll pass on all of it.

As far as preservation people should be more concerned about preserving the landrace strains that are not compromised by this alleged virus that's affecting US and Canadian cannabis. If you really are concerned about preservation then you should be focused on the landraces that all of these affected cuts and strains came from. Because when they're gone all that will be left is some crappy disease infected polyhybrids.

So yes I am all for preservation. I just don't give a damn about these so called great cuts that have been around for ten years. I do give a damn about strains that have been around for hundreds and thousands of years that are being comprised at an alarming rate by introductions of these cuts that could potentially be carrying a pathogen unknown to the regions these strains which are the basis for all hybrids today came from including these great cuts afflicted with some pathogen.

Preservation is one of the main reasons I grow landraces, do reproduction runs, and share freely with other like minded growers who care more about preserving bedrock strains rather than the current seed/clone hype going on in the United States.

I'd also like to see a peer reviewed study of their findings which I am unable to so if you have a link please provide it. All I see are references to previous studies regarding hops.
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So because you havent seen it it doesnt exist? Its 2021 - there are no conspiracies and we are long past the denial phase.

I'm sorry but the rest of your posts just screams noob.
Am I the only one reading this that thinks its weird, or coincidence that we are getting all these mrna problems in plants and animals in the last few years? Cannabis becomes big business and involves these greedy money mongers and scientists that were not around before, then problems. I realize that all the movement of plants and the dense, big volume commercial volume growing are a cesspool for these things. It makes one isolated problem into a plague, kinda like we got with.... Nature works on dispersion of species, with a natural balance- so these problems work themselves out by dying off in small numbers, without infecting the total population.
Does anyone think maybe this is a manmade problem, introduced to kill off the competition?
If you were on Instagram you would see plenty of other labs also working on hplvd.

And its really simple, science can be used to clean any strain. Landrace or cultivated.
Whereas preservation is concerned, if it exists then surely it should be preserved?!
Whether it's a poly hybrid or not is just its current status any clone can be turned into an inbred line.

As for viruses they cross over species all the time that's how they survive. By the way this spreads through seeds too so even if you grow seeds there's a potential risk. If you grow near hops there's a potential risk also.
Am I the only one reading this that thinks its weird, or coincidence that we are getting all these mrna problems in plants and animals in the last few years? Cannabis becomes big business and involves these greedy money mongers and scientists that were not around before, then problems. I realize that all the movement of plants and the dense, big volume commercial volume growing are a cesspool for these things. It makes one isolated problem into a plague, kinda like we got with.... Nature works on dispersion of species, with a natural balance- so these problems work themselves out by dying off in small numbers, without infecting the total population.
Does anyone think maybe this is a manmade problem, introduced to kill off the competition?
No, not really. There are hundreds of pathogens that can effect cannabis/hemp. The problem with the rapid spread is partly because its a highly unregulated sector of agriculture/horticulture and partly because of the sheer size the industry has grown with legalization.
Its shown to be prevalent in clones but can also be passed on to seeds. (I think its like 5-8%)
Where does it say hop virus affects hemp and marijuana in that!?

Never had this virus and grown alot. The virus in mj and hemp you showed looks like natural stress heat, light, water.

If every good grower indoors never gets it since their plants didn't tank I highly doubt I will either.

Wtf are you and D.Heart selling?

They won't be selling anything to me that's for sure.

I can't find any peer reviewed study of their findings just some abstract using a sample size of six plants. The link to the white paper on the DHN website just takes you to a page to place orders and wait for the next "Drop". I got a chuckle out of that. I also found other labs that will charge you to test for it.

I'm not convinced at all that this exists in cannabis and if it does that it's as big an issue as these companies offering testing and cures is making it out to be. All of the information traces back to a very small group of people and no independent peer review can be found. Literally every link is using the same information that came from one source.

HpLVd, information, Vendors, Testing and Reviews
(maybe this thread should be moved to the Seed and Strain review section?) @sunni

There are countless threads across multiple forums discussing this pathogen.

I dont mean to come across as short. I just dont have the energy to argue its existence in a thread that was intended to review clone vendors and available testing. I just feel like we're long past most of these debates and the condescending dogma in some of these posts doesnt help anyone.
If you were on Instagram you would see plenty of other labs also working on hplvd.

And its really simple, science can be used to clean any strain. Landrace or cultivated.
Whereas preservation is concerned, if it exists then surely it should be preserved?!
Whether it's a poly hybrid or not is just its current status any clone can be turned into an inbred line.

As for viruses they cross over species all the time that's how they survive. By the way this spreads through seeds too so even if you grow seeds there's a potential risk. If you grow near hops there's a potential risk also.

Instagram? For scientific research?

And that's all you see. Labs making money off of testing for something that hasn't even been proven to afflict cannabis. And they're pushing it hard all over social media.
HpLVd, information, Vendors, Testing and Reviews
(maybe this thread should be moved to the Seed and Strain review section?) @sunni

There are countless threads across multiple forums discussing this pathogen.

I dont mean to come across as short. I just dont have the energy to argue its existence in a thread that was intended to review clone vendors and available testing. I just feel like we're long past most of these debates and the condescending dogma in some of these posts doesnt help anyone.
Yes I think this should be in the strain review section because we are also reviewing vendors...