How to avoid bad Acid Trips?


Well-Known Member
does acid make anyone else puke? every time I start tripping hard I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster and vomit. shrooms and deems were always way more pleasant personally.


Well-Known Member
Yeahhhh... I ain't gonna tempt that little monster. I've never indulged in any sort of straight up hallucinogenic substance just because... I've been told a billion times by several different people. Hey, you... Yeah... Don't do acid or anything. You'd have a bad trip. You think too much. Your mind's kinda dark. Etc. Etc. You'd take it to a baaadddd (No seriously, they said it like this) place. Can't say I disagree with those statements, but dammit, just to be guaranteed one good trip... Lol. I know someone who was on a trip, and the lamp shade jumped off the lamp on the table and started chasing them... Wtf... o_O
Yep..they told you pot was bad and Columbus discovered america...whoever THEY are,you seem to let THEM influence YOUR life TOO much..
I don't care if they told you they started the great Chicago fire,it doesn't make it fucking so...:-)


Well-Known Member
i recommend ppl not go out in public if they're on acid, causes mad anxiety
I've found myself trippin hard lovin life go out for a walk get my ass lost like half a block down from my house don't know which way is up walkin funny used to freak me out get all the anxiety and start to overwhelm me think people knew what I was up know

But now a days I take a breath and keep walkin happened about a month ago to me had to of gotten about two blocks from my house and got lost everything all wobbly mushy and electric couldn't figure out which way was which and could not read street signs for the life of me I eneded up walkin for about an hour or two that way I just said screw it just gonna keep walkin and it was great ended up in a park about a mile away from my house what a great sunrise though


Well-Known Member
Funerals,childbirth, graduations...done it all...going out in public,not a big deal for me..but I advise most to stay home,or go to a show.


Well-Known Member
Times have changed, no one is going to presume you are on acid any more, they will think you a bit dim witted, maybe autistic, or really high on pot.

You can go anywhere and do as you please, make everywhere you go your own.

Try it out. A bingo game, karaoke, reveval, kkk rally, tea party gathering, a gay parade, a monster truck competition a marx brothers film.

It is a grand world out there, why hide your perceptions in the closet?


Well-Known Member
I ended up at a moose lodge on needlepoint,watching 70year old alcoholic dino-lizard couples sway to interludes of Clapton's wonderful tonight with their walkers,as my Buddy's uncle did horrible rockabilly renditions of old Merle haggard and George Jones rarities and back to,yep,claptons wonderful tonight,again...
I felt truly as if I had a glimpse of Thompsons mind as he was in Vegas....really surreal and tottaly a blast at the same time..

New Age United

Well-Known Member
There's absolutely no way to avoid a bad acid trip, once you drop you're in for the trip. One thing I would highly recommend to anyone is watching the Lord of the rings trilogy or a night of listening to Led Zeppelin.


Well-Known Member
When freaking out in public pretend to text on your phone, talk on it etc. It damn near makes you invisible.

If a situation gets ugly, answer your phone, say oh my god are you ok, I'll be right there. Leave immediately. If anyone doubts you because they didn't hear your phone ring say it was on vibrate.


Well-Known Member
I sat on the copala at st. Peters and watched the pope in the his garden for a bit on acid. That was interesting. Wound up marching in a socialist parade in rome a wek later, found myself being chased out of a nunnery, that was weird.