How in the world do you avoid getting pests?

Was using pro-mix for a while and no bug issues. Stopped because the peat was too acidic over time. Switched to Roots Organic and I'm infested with gnats. Switching to something else this week. I want to try the mother earth coco/perlite mix again but I fucked it up the first time. The plants never took off from clone. Had to be the way I was watering/feeding them. Might buy a few different kinds and see what works.
Royal Gold Tupar. Get it? Got it? Good! Seriously, take a look at it. No need to add ANY extras. Great right out of the bag.
I've only ever had fungus gnats in my grow, and that stopped when I moved from soil to Promix HP. Once I did that, I've never had another issue.

I'd also:

-Never bring plants in from outside (or if you do, quarantine them in an entirely different area of your house/property until you're sure they're bug free.

-Never put any plants that have been outside in your tent/grow room or even in the same room/area as your tent/grow room.

-Don't take your plants outside, or even move them out of your grow space to a place where there are other house plants around. For instance, when my plants are small, I remove them from my tent to inspect and water/feed, but that's not even on the same floor of my house as our houseplants, or in a room that can have open doors/windows, etc.