How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
Was reading a high times and was surprised to see how much the price is in the US for an ounce of Bud. Seen some places paying $300 to $700 and more for bud in the US.

For an ounce of Willie Nelson (Sativa: Vietnamese x Nepalese) here in Eastern Kanada, I pay $180.00 ($10.00 extra for the guy to drop it off at a place that I like).

Just wondering what others on here pay for an ounce of Bud in their areas......

In northern Florida I pay $350 an ounce. Down south I can get B.C for $250 but it sucks ass. It's earthy and a headache of a stoned. But the bud up here rocks. Some strains that have been consistant are: Mikado, Norther Lights#5, Shiva, Swiss Bliss, Black Domina, Orange bud, Blue Widow, Silver haze, ect.
does it ever dry up or is it always available sometimes in london theres a drought.can only get solid then and it suks.greens the way.
in ny i pay about 160 for some good indoor and i get about 30 grams of rock hard crystaly nug, good hookup
Depends on who you know, what bud it is and the amount you buy. if you buy in kilo's then an ounce is cheaper. Standard price for standard skunk at an ounce in weight is 120 pounds Sterling, about $180. I've been a dealer for many years and if you're paying less than this then there is something wrong with the bud. A 9 will cost you 950 pounds about $1300, a kilo will cost you 3,300 pounds or about $5000. For an ounce of quality bud, expect to pay 130 pounds or $200.
idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
i get lambs breath, northern lights, and afghani in virginia for $250/oz. but i havent payed that much for weed ever since i started growing :)
About an hour outside nyc i get some pretty interesting strains you got your standard kb you know the regs for about 185 a zip all the way up to this stuff called biesel which is a cross of nyc diesel and b52 for about 475 an ounce;really bomber stuff and once in a while its worth it to splurge
In NYC I was scoring white widow with major crystals at $280 a few months ago. Quality rating = excellent.

I have since moved to S. Florida and have no connections. I saved a few seeds and have my first lady (I hope its a she) in her 3rd week of growth.