How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

in columbus ohio I get an oz for 80 dollars no seeds and a good smell elbows look like basketballsreal money maker thats the mid the higher grade of mid for 200 a oz then the strain like kush,haze,karma sutrua,jacks hair, sour diesel,chocolate now that shit maybe high like 300 if you cool with the white boysblack folk no lower than 400 to 700 for a oz
Just Paid 210 For a Ounce of Dankkk Blueberry
first time smokin blueberry and am VERYY impressed !

London, Ontario Canada
i can get a quarter of amazing dro for 60.
but ive been offered kush at 75 an eighter and 150 a quarter. horrible.
im close to detroit and almost everything is regs and its all 80-120 for an ounce, 10$ for 2.0
i know this is crazy but i just bought some purple haze yesterday for 25 bucks a gram. i bought 2 grams. its prob some of the best herb ive ever had. i just had to try this classic strain. it looks so yummy, i don't even want to smoke it. lol....all purple and very sticky.......
200-240- canada doesnt matter the grade of it cheaper the more you buy... home grown dank 250-320 dont really see alot of mexican swag up in the pacific north west so would even qoute it when i lived in chicago i heard of ounces going for 500 which i think is ridicilous ( thats y i grew my own ) :)
Damn i dont know where you guys freaking get your contacts. I live bit north of dallas and i pay 100 for an O of pop/reg and up to 400 for some really good dank.

But i was seeing other people from texas getting it for 100 for dank!?
Around here, shitty mexican brown pot will run around $100-$120/oz. Good green bud (no particular strain) will run $200+/oz. Good skunk (IF you can actually find any -- I haven't in a LONG time, which is why I'm growing now!) is going to cost you at least $300-$400/oz. I did see some White Widow a few weeks ago, but that shit was running $150 for a quarter oz!!!! Fuck that!!!!!
Around here, shitty mexican brown pot will run around $100-$120/oz. Good green bud (no particular strain) will run $200+/oz. Good skunk (IF you can actually find any -- I haven't in a LONG time, which is why I'm growing now!) is going to cost you at least $300-$400/oz. I did see some White Widow a few weeks ago, but that shit was running $150 for a quarter oz!!!! Fuck that!!!!!

damn you need to move to northern cali nd get your card!!!! lol