How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
iuse to get an oz in dallas for about $35. straight from the mexicans.its cheeper down south us. no transpertation costthe farther from the mexican boarder the more it costs.:joint: :joint:
No hes prolly talking about some good mexican regs. How much can you get hydro for?

Edit: lol. I just asked the guy a question. He got banned for being uder 18. Doh!
in Detroit MI regs $90-$110 per oz and dro is like $250-$350 per oz but my brother who lives in AZ get lbs for like $500 and up here they sell for like $1000-$1200 per lb the hard part is getting it from AZ to MI
A few years back,25 maybe, I'd get kilos in Tucson for 60.00 and break them into lbs, make 2 lbs and smoke the 4 ozs, Put 20 lbs in the saddle bags on a kawasaki 500 and drive them to Akron and off load them for 180.00 a lb. The kawasaki could outrun any copper and go across the boonies if needed, never needed to. Was a sweet deal for me, and them guys in Akron were double happy. I got all the smoke I needed and made about 3 grand a trip. I only did this a couple of times as I didn't want to push my luck. I finally turned it over to a friend of mine and he paid me a small commission for a few trips then I let it go. I think that if you could even find Kilos now( the Mexicans got smart and started selling pounds also), they would be much more. This was not designer weed, just Mexican colas, they were pretty sweet though!
:joint: Wow maybe i should move. in Atlanta just some good dank runs $1,000 a qp with an O running between 280-360. but say for some blue satelite , white rhine, bubblegum expect to pay an avg of $500
OK... can some one define what these mean? Thanks

Never heard it said here in Kanada when we talk about Bud (buying or selling); only seen it here and there on the web.
ounces in my area are 28 grams... sorry i couldn't resist.
i'm so far out of the game of buying herb BUT on rare acase i did have to purchase it. good guy/friend price is from 200-275 for top quality herb like Train Wreck or Super silver haze. clubs in LA will buy good quality herb for around $300 an oz or $1200 a 1/4 lb.
street prices are insane! og kush or bubba kush will cost you about $400-$600 per oz, if not more.

well i dont know if anyone answered the "regs" "dro" ? but michigan has the most messed up highs and lows "regs"is shit that you people in other countries woldnt even smoke low grade BS seeds in the bags bullshit weed now "dro" in michigan is like regos in canada they really dont have regs i went to "WEMF" in toronto well right outside it world electronic music fes,well all they had is what we call 'dro" no seeds light grenn sticky shit that we were buying for OUR reg prices im like this is crazy we need away to get it to MI and GET RICH but border issues of course but we brought like 1/2 oz of that powder and those canada people were going nuts paying 200+a ball when us USA people get it for cheap but i could rattle off 308094 things that sucks back and forth which i have kinda but DRO is that good shit REGS is the shit u kinda dont wannt smoke
I'm from England, and I'm just guessing, but I'd say reg's stands for regular weed. We call it yard-weed over here. Just regular cannabis, not skunk. Do you remember the time before skunk?
depends on the bud

for some decent mid grade weed with some seeds im paying about $60 - $80 quality varies

for good bcs...$200 a ounce

for great weed.. $350 - $400 (haze, etc)

im in NYC