How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

WOW, you guys must be broke! I thought it was bad here in Canada, but shit guys, you spend WAY too much for weed in my opinion.

I guess it's because weed is cheap here in Canada. 1 gram is 10 dollars, 2 is 20, and an ounce is about 50/60 dollars. And it's good shit too.

Yea go figure anything involving medicine or anything drugwise would have to be cheaper in Canada,Lucky you.:bigjoint:
Philadelphia Metro Area costs me $60 per 8th and 120 per 1/4. Inconsistent too, people don't really spend time on bag appeal or good end product. Can always tell who got shit from a grower using CFL's. Popcorn! I got power skunk and Ice cream going now, no more outsourcing for me! Quality is job 1 in my closet
WOW, you guys must be broke! I thought it was bad here in Canada, but shit guys, you spend WAY too much for weed in my opinion.

I guess it's because weed is cheap here in Canada. 1 gram is 10 dollars, 2 is 20, and an ounce is about 50/60 dollars. And it's good shit too.

Dunno where the hell he is but Southern Ontario, GTA prices float at about 10 a gram, 160-220 an ounce, 1800 - 2200 a pound. Not much price variation cus theres so much weed flowing, don't like one guys prices ya can find 10 more looking around schools, malls and street corners.
Dunno where the hell he is but Southern Ontario, GTA prices float at about 10 a gram, 160-220 an ounce, 1800 - 2200 a pound. Not much price variation cus theres so much weed flowing, don't like one guys prices ya can find 10 more looking around schools, malls and street corners.

yea the guy who said "1 gram is 10 dollars, 2 is 20, and an ounce is about 50/60 dollars. And it's good shit too." this guy had to mean "150/160" or hes just full of shit :-P
who would ever buy 2 grams for 20 when you can get 28 for 50/60 of the same shit:wall::wall:
in ny i pay about 160 for some good indoor and i get about 30 grams of rock hard crystaly nug, good hookup

any idea what strain the shit i get is $240 and ounce and its rockhard and when you break it up its like a mound of dry ass sand, but its kief, real weird and an intense indica.
in UK an ounce of weed is between 120-140 pounds is all that stuff about seeds and shit in the american bags??? man thats a poor show eh??? oh and the really crappy eurocrap resin (this is where all the shite goes, including plastic bags) is £45-55.
there is only one answer to this shituation right....yeah who's nodding along with me...yeah we know the answer right :D