yuh in miami where i live it runs me about 300 smakaroos of some crip but i wnt dat sativa bud ,,,, damit im lookin for good bud please email me if ur seriusIn northern Florida I pay $350 an ounce. Down south I can get B.C for $250 but it sucks ass. It's earthy and a headache of a stoned. But the bud up here rocks. Some strains that have been consistant are: Mikado, Norther Lights#5, Shiva, Swiss Bliss, Black Domina, Orange bud, Blue Widow, Silver haze, ect.
yuh in miami where i live it runs me about 300 smakaroos of some crip but i wnt dat sativa bud ,,,, damit im lookin for good bud please email me if ur seriusIn northern Florida I pay $350 an ounce. Down south I can get B.C for $250 but it sucks ass. It's earthy and a headache of a stoned. But the bud up here rocks. Some strains that have been consistant are: Mikado, Norther Lights#5, Shiva, Swiss Bliss, Black Domina, Orange bud, Blue Widow, Silver haze, ect.
for pounds ??????? wtf im confuse i pay 300 for an ounce of crip ...? if u stay in miami please email me i need some goooooood trees [email protected]
in ny i pay about 160 for some good indoor and i get about 30 grams of rock hard crystaly nug, good hookup
roughly how many grams should a 20 sac be in north florida?[/quo
about 1.6 grams![]()
just because something is cheap, doesn't mean it's horrible
you can get a shit load of different bud for the same price
i have got fucking shwag for 50 and some good ass mids for 50 so idk mang you just have to broaden your horizons
in Los Angeles, an ounce of club (meaning at least good, possibly SUPER DANK) cannabis would probably be $350-400.
in miami i pay 50 for an oz of regz AND ANY WHERE from 135-160 for an oz of fire bud chronic,purp,cripy ect.over in miami florida i get
100 straight for regies
300-325 for the good shit like hazes and white widow
but mainly purple weed and
some strain we got in florida called cryptonite
this strain like sneeks up on you and won't even know your high
300, never more. Grade A stuff too.