How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area


Well-Known Member
1 ounce = 28.9999 grams or somin....

So thats 280 Swiss francs.... If you are me, you get for about 240 cuz i know the guys and if u buy bigger the prices sink.....

Let's say u only have 20 Fr. u are only gona get 1.5 Grams !!!! so thats 0.5 he made and can smoke ^^

pluss he made about 3 francs of of you ^^ :P or 8 francs... without him smoking the shit...

1 ounce = 250 fr id say in average for me......

1 ounce = 227 Dollars.....


Well-Known Member
for the record, i didnt get pwned, not even close. as for the weed, i do pay 400 a lbs, the prices i listed are what i pay and what i sell at. if you dont believe it, thats your problem. i know what i pay, i am there when i buy it after all. just because your prices are alot higher, doesnt mean mine are wrong, just means your market has a different price, and im sorry you guys pay so much comparitivly.

as for how scarface i am, not even close, im nowhere near it, nor do i wanna be near it. and i aint some little kid either.

and the car, if you like i can give you a rundown of everything in it if you really want, if thats what it would take to appease you. and i dont have a problem getting jacked with the car cause i dont drive it into the hood, i aint that stupid to do that. its a cruising car. i dont live in a rough neighborhood at all, so my car is pretty safe.
LoL i pay for 450 grams = If i'm lucky 4000 Swiss Francs...

Maybe u thinking of 45 gramms dude... I live in Europe so i dont work with LBS and ounces and shit like that ^^

Gramms and kilo's is the name :D

So i think u got this conversion wrong in your head dude... 0.45 Kg = 450 Gramms not 45 maybe u got that wrong...

Peace... ^^ But if u do buy it that low, then you'r dealer is stupid... or you'r one big ass liar ^^

peace :joint:


Well-Known Member
SOOOO i was just browsing around on the other pages and ran across this guy saying that his escalade cost 140k?! haha i JUST went to detroit for the auto show and the SUV ones are like 55k and the ext's are i wanna say 69k? brand new 08? .. and the prices that he saying on his weed? ... i bet u this dude doesnt even know what weed looks like or smeels like .. ... to me it sounds like hes rippin that crack pipe .. lay off the smack bro!!! it'll kill ya~!


Well-Known Member
SOOOO i was just browsing around on the other pages and ran across this guy saying that his escalade cost 140k?! haha i JUST went to detroit for the auto show and the SUV ones are like 55k and the ext's are i wanna say 69k? brand new 08? .. and the prices that he saying on his weed? ... i bet u this dude doesnt even know what weed looks like or smeels like .. ... to me it sounds like hes rippin that crack pipe .. lay off the smack bro!!! it'll kill ya~!
LOL CRACK =:spew:


Well-Known Member
never smok'd crack... seen this bitch smoke it, pretty nice woman and then she turn'd in to a slut ^^ sucking cocks for money :D


Well-Known Member
yea thats wut that shit does to u .. make u steal dshit from ur own fukin mom just to get that high .. im not all into that ... i dont like cookin... i like growing :-D hehe


Well-Known Member
y'all... I had no idea that California had vending machines with weed in them, its like a soda pop machine? I know that's random but, I didn't want to waste a thread on this.


Active Member
In North Carolina I can get an ounce of mids for $60..and a quarter pound for $200.

Some Quality, crystalized bud will cost roughly $320-$375.

I'm getting an ounce tomorrow of some AK for $400.

It's weird how different prices are everywhere.


Well-Known Member
In North Carolina I can get an ounce of mids for $60..and a quarter pound for $200.

Some Quality, crystalized bud will cost roughly $320-$375.

I'm getting an ounce tomorrow of some AK for $400.

It's weird how different prices are everywhere.

well i would be rich over there ^^ hehehe i could buy some AK - 1 ounce for 280 francs... 260 dollars... :D


Well-Known Member
Did you not read my post???


This Topic isnt so you can brag on how cheap you get your weed.. Its to get an idea of the normal in the area.

IE if you get an ounce for 10 bucks because you got a buddie that grows GOOD for you

But what does HE see the ounce for is what were looking for.

Save the cool points for another topic, we will hand them out there.
Keep on topic and Location+Price

If you got the "hook up" post somewhere else this isnt on how cheap you get weed


Active Member
In NC I pay a good 350 for a onion of blueberry kush, but reggie go as low as 45 when it rains it pours! I might have to holla at you on that willie nelson is it some good cause i'll shop wit you. I'm getting tired of this shit down here.