How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

depends on the weed i guess. In PA you can get an ounce of brick for 80 bucks, but then again who wants to choke on mexican dirt. An O of dank around 250-300.
either I dont know the right people or something..

basically chicago sucks

$400/zip of good kush
$100ish for a zip of regs

I smoke regs every day with atleast 4 of my friends and regs is the only thing we cud afford when we all put $5 in each

and hash and other edibles I WISH
If your buying by the ounce here (Northern Indiana) you shouldn't pay more than 280. I usually get my o's for 250 and sell for around 350. And thats with special strains and shit. The problem is that nobody here buys seedless 20/g weed. They only get $5 because they are stupid peices of shit.
i grab shit from cali that made it to the chi all the time..... shit like chemdog, bubba kush, og kush, green crack, blackberry kush, sour diesel, ect. for 350 an oz for when i just buyone ounce....
new england area -- depending on where you go, can be as little as 220 and as much as 400, also depends on what you get..
dependin on wut kind u want reggie 70 a zone and for good 25 a g

LOL, $70 for one ounce of marijuana? 28.35 grams of marijuana you get for $70, is this US dollars? I need to be where you're at... I didn't even get those prices in the 90's

Edit: ah shit, I read that wrong. 25/gram for good shit, and 70/oz for shwag... i think thats what you are sayin. even still 70 for shwag is really good.
qp for mexican brick is 130 thats 4 0z to everyone.......Kine goes about 220 an oz..........Purple Haze or any other real home grown and properly handle goes about 250 to 260 a oz now adays in my area..........austin and San Antoinio.
Holy jesus, I am definitely living in the wrong part of the world. qp of dirt for 130.. thats what, maybe 350/400 a pound (incl discount) ?? That is just silly. I would be constantly high with those prices. But I would also have a constant headache with that shwiggity shwag
if i buy a pound you can know about 30 bux off for a discount...I buy some for friends.......

edit: clarifiy 30 bux off a qp if i buy a pound/
even at $490 / $500 an elbow -- that's just silly. I couldn't get those prices in '97 when I started part time dealing. With those prices I would have had much better nights at Foxwoods! But being from TX, I guess it makes sense why you would get those prices, and being from NYC area I would get my prices..