How long after you eat to smoke?


Active Member
After you eat how long should one wait before smoking pot? i just ate. i want to smoke but I don't want the high to not be as good cause I just ate.


Well-Known Member
15 swimming..jk
i've never waited...with a 30 minute lunch break, ya gatta be fast...sometimes a sandwich in one hand and a joint in the other....the important thing is not to smoke right BEFOR you eat, or you might bite your finger


Active Member
I usually wait about 30 minutes too, otherwise I just get hungry again and I'm trying to lose some weight atm.


Well-Known Member
damn, you guys are quick on the gun eh?

I wait an hour or so after I eat.. before I smoke.

I have eaten and smoked at the same time though.. its hard.. but can be done.


Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
I like smoking up right after I eat; I don't get the urge to stuff myself with junkfood and sweets as much since I'm full.

Sometimes if I'm TOO full tho, smoking a bong right after I eat can make me almost regurgitate my meal lol.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
sometimes if i overeat i'll smoke right away and it will usually curb that overstuffed feeling but the stone isn't as good. other than that i don't usually smoke after eating unless it just happens to pop up.


Active Member
I like to smoke about 30 minutes before eating. And then about 15 or 20 after eating I like to have a cig and another bowl.


Well-Known Member
Does anybody else not get full when you have the munchies? Like nothing ever satisfies my cravings and I eat a bit of everything.