how important is drainage? + transplanting help(quick reply please)


Well-Known Member
I finally found some soil with the right ph it says 6-7.3 ph (i hope its on the higher side) but it looks like normal yardsoil and has no vermiculite or anything for drainage, i was previously using some potting soil that had vermiculite but its ph is 5.5 so im transplanting, and as for vermiculite i live in a really lmited country as for gardening supplies and i couldnt fnd any ok so heres my real questions

how important is drainage? does it play a big role in growth? will I be ok using yard soil with no vermiculite?

im transplanting right now to better ph soil, is there anything i need to do first? should I rinse the roots or something?



Well-Known Member
dont rince the roots that would be bad
drainage is pretty important because if you water to much the water will stay in the soil to long and the roots dont like that and soon they will begin to rot. you dont need vermiculite for good drainage just put tons of holes in the bottom of the pot


Active Member
You want some kind of amendment, not only for drainage, but to keep the soil loose. You want the roots to spread and expand easily. Organic matter will work, just so its loose and airy.


Well-Known Member
why not spend the $5.50 and get a bag of pro-mix...I've used it for 6 years mixed at a 50-50% rate with premium'll have prob. if not draining right...this also helps avoid hot spots and possible root damage..not worth screwing up over a $5 bag of stuff..


Well-Known Member
why not spend the $5.50 and get a bag of pro-mix...I've used it for 6 years mixed at a 50-50% rate with premium'll have prob. if not draining right...this also helps avoid hot spots and possible root damage..not worth screwing up over a $5 bag of stuff..
I live in a small country in the middle east, they dont have brand name products..

but anyways its a very dry desert the humidity is usually like 20% in the day which can help the soil dry fast and its very hot, but yea i guess ill just do what you guys said, thanks