Quick Question Plant Yellowing,PPM levels


Active Member
Hey Guys,
Anybody use FOXFARM BUSH DOCTOR COCO LOCO POTTING MIX? Ive been using this medium for some time,usually no problems. I have two small plants with some leaves that turned yellow. I never used nutrients for these plants. I give water every couple days. I checked the PPM of the runoff water with my EC meter and it was reading at 3,000. I have never had plants that high. Anybody know if this is normal and if its not what i should do? The plants were in a smaller growing medium&I went to replant it in a much larger medium&the effects seem to have subsided. The plants started growing at the proper rate again,the leaves were green. One of the plants leaves are much darker than the other,Im not sure what that means. I am trying to get out in front of this situation&While the leaves arent yellow,the light green compared to darker green concerns me,Any suggestions of how to proceed from experienced growers? I have FloraKleen but thats usually a last resort thing for nutrient lockout,i have used it to lower PPM before. Mind you the water I put in PPM is like 200. The runoff water is freakin 3000. The runoff water of the soil for stuff right out the bag is 2100 which also seems higher than normal.. Idk why theres a 900 point difference between each other when i never used nutrients in any of the plants so they should all be the same.The only thing I can think of that caused the yellowing is bc i may have kept it in the smaller medium for too long b4 transplanting it. It was still a very small plant but the soil was filled with roots looking for more soil to grow. The water is always 6.5 PH when watering. When I do use nutrients in the past on other plants the PPM levels are like 800 never fn 3000 like these without nutrients. Strange.
While the plants seemingly rebounded I still worry&want to be in front of the situation,instead of playing catch up trying to figure things out. Thanks for your assistance.plant1.jpgplant2.jpg
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