I got 12 of the young tomato plants transplanted, skinny legs and all. I have 8 more here that need to go somewhere. There are 4 or 5 empty spots in the pepper patch. Not sure where I'll put the leftovers. They are heavy on Beefsteak and Homestead, with a few Cherry.
(I am still getting a few San Marzano's all along. I also have a couple of three Yellow Brandywine plants still alive, but they are not producing right now)
Bag at the top is headed to Wife's parents since her Dad started me on the journey and brought me the 2 tomatoes that I'm keeping seeds from. They don't garden any more as they've moved to an Apartment.
So what's up with this white carrot? I know there are white carrots but I've never planted any. These are from seeds from carrots I let go to seed last year.
I had to completely move my compost pile to be able to paint the house. 3 weeks later it's just covered with tomato seedlings. I need to build a new compost bin to put it back into. I have a lot of half inch hardware cloth I need to use.