How Does Your Garden Grow??????

I got 12 of the young tomato plants transplanted, skinny legs and all. I have 8 more here that need to go somewhere. There are 4 or 5 empty spots in the pepper patch. Not sure where I'll put the leftovers. They are heavy on Beefsteak and Homestead, with a few Cherry.

(I am still getting a few San Marzano's all along. I also have a couple of three Yellow Brandywine plants still alive, but they are not producing right now)


So what's up with this white carrot? I know there are white carrots but I've never planted any. These are from seeds from carrots I let go to seed last year.

I had to completely move my compost pile to be able to paint the house. 3 weeks later it's just covered with tomato seedlings. I need to build a new compost bin to put it back into. I have a lot of half inch hardware cloth I need to use.20220829_114544.jpg