How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Mine is all burnt up. Tomato survivors will make some for fall. Only the herb survived the heat and drought. Now the worms battling starts.
Most all my older tomatoes are toast. I do have a new round of young plants about 18 inches tall. Need to rip out the dead ones and put these in raised beds. But it's August and I cut grass everyday, so my gardening is lagging.
This is my first harvest this year. More to come.

Top to bottom. Italian Oregano, Beefsteak and Roma, Napa, Peppers
First Harvest 2022.jpg

Left to right: Pathetic Red Habanero's from last years seeds of shit plant ;), Hybrid chili's (going to make pepper flakes from them), Jalapeno's (going to pick a couple of greenies when they have more veins on skin), Red and yellow Dick peppers (the plants are producing a large amount of peppers).
Pepper Harvest 1 2022.jpg

Basil plants hanging in the sun to dry.
Basil sun dry 2022.jpg
Started Victoria rhubarb x12 from seed indoors. I’ll be growing these outside as annuals in zone 9a. Will be transplanting into 3 gallon bags soon and continue to let them grow inside the tent. When it cools they will go outside in a 4’x8’ “raised bed” (which is upside down) with a hinged hoop top.

Mind if I ask what the process for the Habanero's (and other super hots) down in the Southern climate? I started my peppers near the beginning of March. That Habanero seems like it needed another month or more.

BTW. I question the genetics.
This is my first harvest this year. More to come.

Top to bottom. Italian Oregano, Beefsteak and Roma, Napa, Peppers
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Left to right: Pathetic Red Habanero's from last years seeds of shit plant ;), Hybrid chili's (going to make pepper flakes from them), Jalapeno's (going to pick a couple of greenies when they have more veins on skin), Red and yellow Dick peppers (the plants are producing a large amount of peppers).
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Basil plants hanging in the sun to dry.
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I love fresh herbs. I throw them in stuff by the handful. If you were growing the basil flowers for some reason, good job. Carry on. If you are only wanting the leaves, pinch those off as they try to form and you will get more leaves for a longer harvest.
I could just chop up that 1st pic in a bowl, toss with oil and some salt, and treat it like a salad. Im jealous
Just ate 3/4 of a smaller red penis pepper. Creeper and stays in throat and mouth. Good burn. Heat comes when you don't expect it.
We've had a weird growing year here in the PNW. Record wet and cold spring followed by multiple triple digit heat waves and above average temps. I woke up the other morning and it was 76°f and humid as hell. That broke the previous record low temperature which was in the upper 60's. Couldn't even air the house out in the morning. Thought I was in Florida for a minute.

The pumpkins started out great and the three I grew all formed fruit until the 100° days and then the fruit stopped setting and I have one sugar pumpkin on each plant.


That's a volunteer giant pumpkin on the lower right. It's got multiple successfully set fruit but it was flowering when the heat had somewhat subsided for awhile. Cucumbers on the trellis. I have a gallon of pickles fermenting that I've picked. No more canning them for me. They always end up mushy later on and they're cheap in the store anyway. The fermented pickles taste so much better anyway. Just saltwater, garlic, and dill. The summer squash is along the shed and they've been producing as much as the two of us can eat.


The damn artichoke is just now blooming.


The onions were not all that great but I still ended up with some. The lady braided them up.

The peppers got off to a slow start but seem to be doing ok and are setting quite a lot of fruit.

Thai peppers


Carmen peppers


I've been harvesting green/red peppers.


I have some sicilian peppers that are just delicious that are doing good and I just picked about a pound of jalapenos.

I don't know why but I just had to grow something really hot like this Carolina Reaper. I don't eat them myself but it's always a good laugh if you can get someone to eat one.

I was really worried about getting any tomatoes. I couldn't get my starts out when I had planned because of the wet cold spring and then when I did they just sat there for awhile. They were all rootbound and yellowing from being in small pots for too long without adequate light. I only grew two varieties besides some cherries. Siletz which is a determinate variety and a beefsteak. The Siletz put out a few tomatoes and then nothing but the heat ramped them up I guess and they put out a bunch more flowers. Now they're all fallen over because I didn't support them properly. I've picked close to a dozen which was from the first flush of flowers and now the others are starting to ripen. None of the beefsteaks have ripened yet. I have volunteer tomato plants all over the yard and garden as well.



The two eggplants have fruit on them and more setting.


I already pulled a patch of bush beans that were done producing and even canned a few pints. Now the pole beans are making beans. I had to replant a couple times because the seeds just rotted in the ground. Not as thick as it's been in the past but I still have about 6 pints I canned last year so I'll get plenty for our needs.


I pretty much let things go this year. Even then We'll have more fresh produce than we'll be able to eat. I've also been eating corn from my small strip on the side of the house. We also had a ton of lettuce with much of it going to seed. The tayberries put out a ton and I have some tayberry along with blueberry wine in carboys. The blueberries are still going but not for much longer. I have about 5 pounds in the freezer and a big bowl in the refrigerator that I'll probably freeze. There's still a bunch on the bushes for fresh.

All in all I guess things have done ok. I'm going to plant some stuff today. Cilantro which I grow for the seeds "coriander", lettuce, beets, greens, radishes, turnips, that kind of stuff that you can get a fall crop from. Probably some peas as well.
These are my peppers plants I started from seed. Left to right: Hybrid Super(ornamental) chili, 2 Sweet long peppers, and 2 Jalapeno's. They're a bit small because I ran into some issues starting too many plants for myself and a couple of other people. Not too many peppers on the sweet ones, but lots of jalapeno's.

Pepper Plants August 2022.jpg
Mind if I ask what the process for the Habanero's (and other super hots) down in the Southern climate? I started my peppers near the beginning of March. That Habanero seems like it needed another month or more.

BTW. I question the genetics.
And you would be right to question the genetics. That plant is from the seeds of a pepper I saved years ago. It may not be 100%. I do have store bought seeds for the everything else, but not the habs.

When I have my shit together, I try to start around Christmas. but this year most of my early starts didn't do well, so I was late getting the hab into the ground, and it took it's sweet time growing. With the daily rain, the peppers are starting to rot, so I will pick the best four or five, and let the others take their chances with the weather. Our rainy season usually ends in September, so if the plant makes it that long, I can let the peppers get riper.