i appreciate all the info you threw up. i am probably going to order some 4lb containers off of customhydronutrients.com and see if i can duplicate whats been working so well for you. for smaller grows general hydro has been working great for me, but we are getting ready to have some moderate sized greenhouse grows and need to get a dry nutrient salt recipe dialed in.
I use Hydrogardens.com as my dry nutrient supplier. They're in Colorado which makes it convenient for me.
I use their 'hi K' hydroponic formula,
5-12-26 with micronutrients.
I also bought Yara Liva brand calcium nitrate from them as the complement.
I use epsom salt, aka magnesium sulfate.
In bloom I add a bit of MKP. That's everything I use in the res, full stop.
All numbers are in grams, per gallon of nutrient solution:
3g calcium nitrate
2g 5-12-26 mix
1g epsom salt
2g calcium nitrate
2g 5-12-26 mix
1.5g epsom salt
I'm not sure how these numbers compare to yours?
I'm also interested in hearing more about your automated nutrient dosing system!
what ever type of system you run might drastically change what works best for each person
deep water culture dwc has different needs
and if I was growing in coco it would also be different again
in my opinion for what its worth
the calcium is very high in you veg mix and so is the nitrogen... unless your in soil maybe
personally for me... in my set up... your flower mix would look great for what I would use for veg
but that's me.. there are other factors, water source for example