how does my grow flow

it all may be partly related to my source water

I might have some Fe in my source water... someone else might have more/less and need less/more

im also see some very mild Ca def in the bottom fan leaf of only one plant... so next time I will raise my Ca to 60ppm

they seem to be competing no matter what I set it at...
raise the zinc i get Fe def, raise the Fe get zinc def

so in conclusion on the Fe and zinc.. they seem to be happy with 1.5ppm Fe and 0.5ppm zinc (which seems high).. and even at that amount i still may add zinc on rare occasion to my foliar feed...

the chelated Fe makes zinc less available

ok i think iover that topic...starting to look like a damn journal in here lol
those pics are all you need to mix 5 gallons part A and B of concentrate

lets use the veg for example;

I do this for a friend its not difficult

looking at the pics I posted the veg mix is for 4000 gallons

fill 2 five gallon buckets up 1/2 way with hot water

label each bucket veg A and veg B

add calcium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, potassium nitrate and iron to bucket A
(I do it slowly over a few days allowing each to have time to dissolve before adding the next)

add the mono potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate,, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride and the balance of the micro nutirents (not iron) to bucket B

so all my nitrates and the iron in bucket A and everything else in bucket B

after about 4 or 5 days of sitting and shaking buckets one time a day its ready

5mls of bucket A and 5mls of bucket B should yield about EC1.2

and the 5 gallon concentrate should make about 4000 gallons of solution
wow this is old but since it just got a like i should point out

I didn't say it in the post above

but after all the salts have been added to the bucket I top the bucket off to fill it to the top(or close) with water
wow this is old but since it just got a like i should point out

I didn't say it in the post above

but after all the salts have been added to the bucket I top the bucket off to fill it to the top(or close) with water

@im4satori hey, just wanted to say thanks. your nutrient breakdowns of GH floranova bloom and GH maxibloom have really helped. i'm using maxibloom now and couldn't be happier. no additives, just either RO, well or a mix of the 2.
@im4satori hey, just wanted to say thanks. your nutrient breakdowns of GH floranova bloom and GH maxibloom have really helped. i'm using maxibloom now and couldn't be happier. no additives, just either RO, well or a mix of the 2.
any time happy to be of help and pay it forward :bigjoint:

im getting help from the organic gurus at the moment

really happy with what the organic grows are putting out
(true organic soil amendment builds, not liquid store bought nutes)

increase quality and yield

on my 3rd organic run now and really couldn't be happier

but I will say, its more work than hydro of basic liquid fertilizer