you really believe that Bull Shit: "There was other evidence that led them to believe there was a grow op there, and the electric bill just confirmed their suspicions."I think both of those articles are bad examples for your case. The first one doesn't even have that much information in it, its obviously not the entire story. How can you draw conclusions based on that small amount of information?
I think the second one is even worse, did you even read it? The article says that the police didn't even start with the electric bill. There was other evidence that led them to believe there was a grow op there, and the electric bill just confirmed their suspicions.
Just pay your electric bill ON TIME, and don't do anything stupid like stealing power. Last year my wife and I left our space heaters running to much one month, and our bill went from around 100 to 318. I wasn't happy about it, but I payed it on time, and I never heard a peep from the electric ppl or from the 5.0.
They lie like mother fuckers. They'll illegally fly over places and FLIR it. They get you on that they'll find some reasonable cause to search your utility bills. They'll go dig through your trash. They'll find something.
Even Ex-Cops say this. Check out that guy Barry Cooper. He'll tell you cops will lie and try to bust you. Find fake people to say shit about you. etc.
You had 1 month from 100 to 300. that's not bad at all. Shit, I don't even grow and have bills over $150-$200/month.
Have several months of 500-1000 bills and you're telling me if I pay my bills every month I'll have no problem? If I were the electrical company - i'd find that VERY suspicious. And they're probably required to tell police if they find anything suspicious. Like banks have to report to the IRS and government agencies if you deposit too much money in the bank or any irregularities.