ROFLMAO!! Yes now go apologize to your mother for your unclean, I mean unkind, thoughts! Oh jesus you are young enough to be my kid are you not? I can't wait until the bong lands.holy shit michoacan!!! my mother was telling me about that yesterday, I just thought the name was a made up NY 70's thing. Said her and a friend shared a roach and got blasted!
If those sativas were readily available in the market today I wouldn't even bother growing anymore. I would just buy it.
What? Really? What experiment?There was no such animal as the hermaphrodite. Not till the mid 80`s did I see my first one. What a sin that experiment down in Mexico was. Hermies were created, not natural.
Wow, now those pics really bring back memories. I actually saw most of those strains in CA back in the day. Very cool!
Land race Thai is about the most her I prone you can grow..Wow, now those pics really bring back memories. I actually saw most of those strains in CA back in the day. Very cool!
Also I too would like to know more about this "experiment" in Mexico.
...uphill, in Januaryback in those days they had to grow them by candlelight while it grew they made arrow heads, and the women made loincloths out of cow skin for the families to wear......
Uphill both ways....uphill, in January![]()
Cannabis is not native to Thailand or any of Asia or Philippines. Nor is it Australia or any of Europe. But it`s there, not all shipments go to the US. Anyway, in all the books, recorded history or magazines I have looked in my life, before the mid 1980`s, I`ve never seen or heard of a Hermaphrodite,....eva !i If someone could come up with that, I will be impressed, then disregard the High Times article in the late or mid 80`s addition. It was a very interesting read about the use of Gibberellic acid on Cannabis and how it failed. now we have Hermies !iLand race Thai is about the most her I prone you can grow..
Thailand is a pretty long ways off from mexico, so there goes that Bs theory..
Not like that's the only reason either..
Not since you posted that pic of you and your mum. Plus you've got a kid!!! You ain't no youth!!!i am young enough curious. Alot of people here think or thought I was older.