New Member
Voluntaryism enshrines the right to not only own private property, but to consolidate ever growing properties into private hands to be past in heredity and defended by private armies. The 'hereditary nobility' that arises from this then also employs the occupants of the land (yes, they are free to leave, and be employed by another voluntary serfdom, unless said serfdom allows them to enter, instead of treating them as trespassers). The landlord pays a wage to these serfs and keeps not only the land, but a portion of the product of the labor of the serfs. They are serfs, not chattel, it is a serfdom. Enjoy serfhood.
Some fantastic imagination you have straight out of a science fiction novel, So you think that given true freedom and equality that then tyrannical slavery would be popular with the slaves and slave owners? I am suprised you don't think we need a government to protect us from this, so whats your idea again? That someone should be allowed to erect a shitter outside my bedroom window?