Well-Known Member
I do not feel that theft is ever morally justified by anyone especialy by a 'group' who labels themselves as 'society' . This idea of collectivism is theft that is violently forced on certain people. If I grow a crop of marijuana nobody should be allowed to do what they want with it, If I build a house someone shouldn't be able to demolish it and build a highway over it. Its simple ethics, the idea that there is this 'society' that 'collectively agrees what is right and what is wrong and therefore they are allowed to make certain exceptions is a wolf in sheeps clothing, its a government, which creates victims and thrives on violence, an entity with magical properties to violate the same moral rules they punish us for.
Did the jews do the right thing by giving up their property to the nazis because 'society' deemed it in their interest? Tell me then, just when is stealing okay?
Nobody is forcing collectivism on anyone else, that is a strawman. However, you clearly wish to enforce private ownership of the product of the labor of others. That is theft. Serfdom is theft.