How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

so, then you subscribe to the EXACT FORM of "Libertarian Socialism" described in the wikipedia page you cited?

cuz that was a jumbled mess of contradictory assertions and "some argue" type weasel words.
if you actually write out what you believe PERSONALLY of link to a page that you feel accurately details your position i will read it.

That's been your argument for every point that your little brain can't wrap itself around.

"Welp it must have been on wikipedia! It's contradictory! I don't understand! I don't understand limited heirarchy! Only the free market is freedom! That's what the radio told me!"

That's been your argument for every point that your little brain can't wrap itself around.

"Welp it must have been on wikipedia! It's contradictory! I don't understand! I don't understand limited heirarchy! Only the free market is freedom! That's what the radio told me!"


the ONLY source he has ever cited as a solution to the "WTF is Libertarian Socialism" question WAS wikipedia.

the wikipage cited IS contradictory (it is the same one YOU cited through a mirror) and does NOT resolve the question "Wtf is :ibertarian Socialism" it merely increase the confusion with contradictory assertions and a shitload of weasel words.

the wikipage AC cited (as well as the one you pointed to with the deceptive Princeton URL) does NOT flesh out what "Libertarian Socialists" believe, nor does it explain how they propose their system to work, or linkto any "manifestos" or scholarly works detailing the claimed belief structure.

"Libertarian Socialism" remains an empty vessel which each individual claimant can fill with his own personal ideology, allowing it to mean German Style Fascism to one clown, and Utopian Egalitarian Communism to another.
That's been your argument for every point that your little brain can't wrap itself around.

"Welp it must have been on wikipedia! It's contradictory! I don't understand! I don't understand limited heirarchy! Only the free market is freedom! That's what the radio told me!"


Libertarian socialists know more about ancap derpism than pawlbots too.
Communists have always played an active role in the fight by colonial countries for their freedom, because the short-term objects of Communism would always correspond with the long-term objects of freedom movements

- Nelson Mandela

because the installation of an authoritarian socialist state and the dictatorship of the chosen vanguard is always consistent with "freedom"

Protip: the vanguard of the ANC was a bunch of murderous assholes who killed more blacks than honkies. this includes Nelson Mandela, and his old lady Winnie.
Nobody cares about your opinion or Protip. This thread is about anarchocapitalism and you have posted more than anyone else in it but have barely mentioned the thread topic. I thought ancaps had jobs.
because the installation of an authoritarian socialist state and the dictatorship of the chosen vanguard is always consistent with "freedom"

Protip: the vanguard of the ANC was a bunch of murderous assholes who killed more blacks than honkies. this includes Nelson Mandela, and his old lady Winnie.

Nobody cares about your opinion or Protip. This thread is about anarchocapitalism and you have posted more than anyone else in it but have barely mentioned the thread topic. I thought ancaps had jobs.

again "ancap" is your tarbaby.

you love to define everyone else through the cracked prism of your secret ideology, but never reveal what YOU stand for.

thats why you are so irrelevant.

also. Zapatistas.

why is it you never speak of the powerful leftist insurgency in the nation in which you reside?

you pretend they dont exist. how curious.
That's been your argument for every point that your little brain can't wrap itself around.

"Welp it must have been on wikipedia! It's contradictory! I don't understand! I don't understand limited heirarchy! Only the free market is freedom! That's what the radio told me!"


How would you define "the free market" ?

What makes a market free and what makes it not free?
Libertarian socialism.

So if you're not a ancap pawlbot republican why troll this thread so hard?

a slogan and a catch phrase do not detail your personal ideology.

if i were an "ancap" i would be out robbing people at gunpoint through "Anarcho-Commerce" and raping bitches through the magic of "Anarcho-Sexuality"

i do not indulge in "anarchism" in any way, so your characterization is a half truth, which anyone can clearly determine by reading my statements on my PERSONAL ideology which is NOT a secret hidden behind buzzwords and chompskyism.
a slogan and a catch phrase do not detail your personal ideology.

if i were an "ancap" i would be out robbing people at gunpoint through "Anarcho-Commerce" and raping bitches through the magic of "Anarcho-Sexuality"

i do not indulge in "anarchism" in any way, so your characterization is a half truth, which anyone can clearly determine by reading my statements on my PERSONAL ideology which is NOT a secret hidden behind buzzwords and chompskyism.

Yeah good job dipshit. "anarchocapitalism" is an oxymoron. So indeed, pawlbots are not anarchists.
Yeah good job dipshit. "anarchocapitalism" is an oxymoron. So indeed, pawlbots are not anarchists.

and who here characterizes themselves as an "anarcho-capitalist"?


thats a fake label you try and slap on everybody who doesnt join you in your EQUALLY FAKE, and EQUALLY OXYMORONIC "Libertarian Socialist Front for Utopian Communism Through the Genius of Trotskyism"

not being an "Anarchist" is a recommendation for all of us not foolish enough to embrace the joys of Trotskyist Insurrection and Perpetual Revolution.

"pawlbots" arent sheep rapers either. is that also an indictment of their beliefs?

why must you be such an "Anarcho-Bestialist"?

leave the poor sheep in peace you pervert!
So you are trolling this thread just because you're in love with me.

"trolling" implies the assuming an extreme position to offend and anger the target solely for the acquisition of "Lulz"
my position is NOT extreme, nor is it intended to garner "Lulz" through your outraged fumbling for responses (though it has been a Lolercuast of backpedaling, re-definition and lies)

anyone who wants to know my position can read it easily, and only the most thick witted will fail to grasp the meaning.

your position remains a closely guarded secret which can only be examined from the periphery though inductive and deductive reasoning, which is how i concluded that you are a Trotskyite Marxist.