How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

Yeah? Yet you failed to provide a single example. Can you quote a single " strings of 5 syllable quips"? Only those who disagree with me claim I lack compassion, while they mock the death of children. Let's see...not a single quote of your claims while you condone those who mock the death of children. Perhaps your perspective has a selective bias? Puh-leeze

"Sheer Idiocy"

In regards to your family history, I don't care, nor do I applaud the caustic jabs from those which use it as a platform of attack; my perspective consists of your output within a limited, mean free-path in the time continuum, and that's it.

Considering liberal political tactics, "pogrom" would be the correct term. Haven't Socialists consistently murdered their opposition by the millions?

Pogrom would not be the correct term as it's organized violence against a minority ethnic or a religious group. Historically it's been massacres of Jewish peoples in Russia or Eastern Europe. So "anyone not going along with the pogrom gets crucified," wouldn't make sense. Who's the pogrom against? A political group? Are we in Russia? Eastern Europe? If that's the case, then it's not a pogrom and you're proving you don't know jack shit about what the word means. Or are you going to sit there and be like "USSR!" News flash old man, the USSR fell in 1991 or is that senility starting to kick in?
Pogrom would not be the correct term as it's organized violence against a minority ethnic or a religious group. Historically it's been massacres of Jewish peoples in Russia or Eastern Europe. So "anyone not going along with the pogrom gets crucified," wouldn't make sense. Who's the pogrom against? A political group? Are we in Russia? Eastern Europe? If that's the case, then it's not a pogrom and you're proving you don't know jack shit about what the word means. Or are you going to sit there and be like "USSR!" News flash old man, the USSR fell in 1991 or is that senility starting to kick in?

here's the thing about red, he shares in the delusional persecution conspiracies of his fellow white supremacists.

so he thinks that if another obama or even a hillary gets in, there will be a pogrom against white christian hetero males who own guns.

i say this not as a joke, but in all seriousness having seen red go on with his delusions over the course of years.

it frightens me that anyone thinks this way, much less such a heavily armed, mentally retarded, and vocal lunatic fringe of politically catered to crybabies.
You don't say...? o_O
Your responses (i.e. actions) could equally be considered as lacking in intelligence and compassion. Your strings of 5 syllable quips do not carry much weight in the intellectual, and the context has rarely (if ever) been in compassion.
I don't need to go far in the record to find examples of this in your discourses with me, so perhaps your perspective has a selective bias?
Red is "Christian Education" levels of dumb.
says the guy who thinks global warming is a hoax and fox news is just great.

shut up.
Lol. Actually. Earlier when @ginwilly said page 16 was a Special Olympics qualifier I almost posted that all we needed was someone to claim that "climate change" was America's biggest threat. You were tardy being retardy, but you made it! :clap:
Your "fault" is you delight in the misfortune of others, even the death of children. What can we expect from a person who leaves her children behind to a ex-husband she has repeatedly said was a monster. You are an immoral person.
Prove it with citation or do not contact me again I'm tired of your put up or STFU.
Lol. Actually. Earlier when @ginwilly said page 16 was a Special Olympics qualifier I almost posted that all we needed was someone to claim that "climate change" was America's biggest threat. You were tardy being retardy, but you made it! :clap:

please outline all the evidence you have showing that global warming is a hoax then.

i like to watch fox news, bible thumping, racist losers try to talk about science.
please outline all the evidence you have showing that global warming is a hoax then.

i like to watch fox news, bible thumping, racist losers try to talk about science.
Maybe instead you outline all the ways that "global warming" threatens us and then, when it will happen.

Oh god this is hilarious. PragerU? You mean the non accredited online "university" that does not and cannot offer a diploma or any sort of certificate? That's put together by Dennis Prager who's very political conservative? Yeah, like that source doesn't have a single amount of bias or is even a good one.

Care to try again? Like something that's actually academic and not an opinion piece in a youtube video? Because really, calling a youtube video put out by PragerU an academic source is like me citing Keynesian economic theory based off of Wu Tang Clan's music video for CREAM.
Maybe instead you outline all the ways that "global warming" threatens us and then, when it will happen.

check with NASA on that one. they list the dangers of global warming.

did you know that unlike you, NASA does not believe that global warming is a hoax?

ted cruz.
Oh god this is hilarious. PragerU? You mean the non accredited online "university" that does not and cannot offer a diploma or any sort of certificate? That's put together by Dennis Prager who's very political conservative? Yeah, like that source doesn't have a single amount of bias or is even a good one.

Care to try again? Like something that's actually academic and not an opinion piece in a youtube video? Because really, calling a youtube video put out by PragerU an academic source is like me citing Keynesian economic theory based off of Wu Tang Clan's music video for CREAM.
The facts were laid our rather succinctly and by the founder of Greenpeace (not a conservative, but a scientist) How about you deny those facts first before you attempt to skate by them with ad hominem.
The facts were laid our rather succinctly and by the founder of Greenpeace (not a conservative, but a scientist)

are you referring to patrick moore, who left greenpeace to mass farm salmon and start a nuclear energy business with republican christine todd whitman?

the same patrick moore who now works for asia paper and pulp, a multinational which has widespread and illegal rain forest clearing practices?

that guy?

his PhD was in ecology, not climatology or climate science. just thought you might like to know, smarty.

@mr sunshine
Are you sure the best way for people to take college seriously is giving it to them for "free"?


Note two things in this chart. The first, that the United States ranks in the bottom 25% percentile in all categories, and second, many of the countries "better" than the United States offer "free" education.

How can you ever be taken seriously when you ask such dumbfuck questions? Seriously dude, Google can be a real good friend to you.