How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

are you referring to patrick moore, who left greenpeace to mass farm salmon and start a nuclear energy business with republican christine todd whitman?

the same patrick moore who now works for asia paper and pulp, a multinational which has widespread and illegal rain forest clearing practices?

that guy?

his PhD was in ecology, not climatology or climate science. just thought you might like to know, smarty.

@mr sunshine

He tells a slightly different story. (What were the odds?)
He's an ambitious fucker for sure. That article made me scared to think he might somehow get elected.

You hate the idea of socialism don't you? I mean, that pesky social security program, that damned military complex, and dag nabit that commie-fuckin-socialist medicare program are just too much for this country to handle huh?
The facts were laid our rather succinctly and by the founder of Greenpeace (not a conservative, but a scientist) How about you deny those facts first before you attempt to skate by them with ad hominem.

PragerU is known for using spurious scholarship. Had I cited PragerU as a source on any college paper (luckily they weren't around when I went) I would've been told to get another, better source that has more credit to it. Nice try using the ad hominem, but I wasn't attacker Prager or a personal characteristic, I was attacking the institution itself and its questionable scholarship, views, and goals. Moreover, this is the first time I've heard that Patrick Moore the founder of Greenpeace. The last I heard, Patrick Moore was one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, left the organization in 1986 over differences in policy, and sold out. Lately he's been doing a ton of work for Asia Pulp & Paper which has come under criticism for its massive illegal logging, but he says it's all okay.

When the overwhelming amount of scientists, scientific and peer-reviewed papers say that climate change is a thing, you're really going to prop up one dude and say, "He has the definitive answer. Him. Only him. Fuck every other scientist. This guy is the truth?" Because if you do, I have some magic beans to sell you, wanna buy them?
I think a little overfed, but what's not to like.
Stop trolling me dave.. don't say you like my shit when you didn't even hit the like button. very Hypocritical of you ,I'm extremely disappointed dave. This brings back memories of that time you threatened to murder me with a bat.
Stop trolling me dave.. don't say you like my shit when you didn't even hit the like button. very Hypocritical of you ,I'm extremely disappointed dave. This brings back memories of that time you threatened to murder me with a bat.

bravedave is definitely not brave, and his tiny penis is EXTREMELY tiny. prageru had an article about it, so therefore it must be true.
PragerU is known for using spurious scholarship. Had I cited PragerU as a source on any college paper (luckily they weren't around when I went) I would've been told to get another, better source that has more credit to it. Nice try using the ad hominem, but I wasn't attacker Prager or a personal characteristic, I was attacking the institution itself and its questionable scholarship, views, and goals. Moreover, this is the first time I've heard that Patrick Moore the founder of Greenpeace. The last I heard, Patrick Moore was one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, left the organization in 1986 over differences in policy, and sold out. Lately he's been doing a ton of work for Asia Pulp & Paper which has come under criticism for its massive illegal logging, but he says it's all okay.

When the overwhelming amount of scientists, scientific and peer-reviewed papers say that climate change is a thing, you're really going to prop up one dude and say, "He has the definitive answer. Him. Only him. Fuck every other scientist. This guy is the truth?" Because if you do, I have some magic beans to sell you, wanna buy them?
Certainly not "only him". Michael Mann's hockey stick was also used as "peer-reviewed" evidence and he has been proven a fraud. Barely a day goes by without one of the "inconvenient truth" claims comes up as total bullshit not to mention other models used once as evidence being replaced with "oops". Sorry but your religion is even more baseless than most.

Lastly, you also know very little about PragerU and while you can wring your hands over what you think it is, you seem to continue to be unable to refute it or anything Mr. Moore expounds on. Instead you attack the platform and the messenger or invent things I said. That is more telling than anything out of East Anglia.
You hate the idea of socialism don't you? I mean, that pesky social security program, that damned military complex, and dag nabit that commie-fuckin-socialist medicare program are just too much for this country to handle huh?

I guess I hate the idea of moving further into socialism. If Bernie gets his way, taxes will be rising significantly to provide services that I no longer need (because I took care of them myself).
I guess I hate the idea of moving further into socialism. If Bernie gets his way, taxes will be rising significantly to provide services that I no longer need (because I took care of them myself).

Yeah but you're not the only American. You're not the only person that counts. At one point you said you needed those services but now that you no longer need them fuck everyone else, right?

Seriously, Republicans keep saying "Liberals are just give me give me give me," then you turn around and spout this rhetoric. "I no longer need it, therefore no one else should have it." How is that not the epitome of being absolutely selfish?
I guess I hate the idea of moving further into socialism. If Bernie gets his way, taxes will be rising significantly to provide services that I no longer need (because I took care of them myself).

So based on your response, I can assume you are "against" Social Security, Medicaid and the Pentagon?
Both Uncle Puke (see4) and Lil Miss Sunshine tend to mix exaggeration in with their fraud. Here, LMS, having seen his actual grows, obviously has stolen a picture of someone else's bud. Its possible he stole the picture 15 days ago.
And who would "quit" a job at a company whose female executives enjoyed you and the 9" toy you augmented your flacid, peanut-sized member with?
FUNKEN DAVE, You caught me. That's actually day 17 I lied by 48 hours. Hps.. I'm sorry..

But in all seriousness have you gotten any better strains yet? You gotta be tired of growing that ditch weed.
So based on your response, I can assume you are "against" Social Security, Medicaid and the Pentagon?
Funny how liberals project their own character flaws on others.

Could you not also read into @TBoneJack's words that he discovered that with a little effort he was able to do without a gov. handout...and if him, why not his peers.
Funny how liberals project their own character flaws on others.

Could you not also read into @TBoneJack's words that he discovered that with a little effort he was able to do without a gov. handout...and if him, why not his peers.
I guess I hate the idea of moving further into socialism. If Bernie gets his way, taxes will be rising significantly to provide services that I no longer need (because I took care of them myself).

@bravedave, do you know how to English? Let's look at this phrase: I no longer need. Do you understand what "no longer need" means? Not now as formerly. So what he stated was that at one point he did need them, but now does not hence no longer needs.

Hurrhurr edumacation is some pussy liberal shit. :roll: I mean, if that's not what he meant to say that's cool, I'll just amend my statement to reflect that, but as it stands that's what he meant.
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@bravedave, do you know how to English? Let's look at this phrase: I no longer need. Do you understand what "no longer need" means? Not now as formerly. So what he stated was that at one point he did need them, but now does not hence no longer needs.

Hurrhurr edumacation is some pussy liberal shit. :roll: I mean, if that's not what he meant to say that's cool, I'll just amend my statement to reflect that, but as it stands that's what he meant.

How disingenuous of you to ignore TBJ's second point, albeit the most important, that he shouldered his responsibility and met his needs independently and on his own.
@bravedave, do you know how to English? Let's look at this phrase: I no longer need. Do you understand what "no longer need" means? Not now as formerly. So what he stated was that at one point he did need them, but now does not hence no longer needs.

Hurrhurr edumacation is some pussy liberal shit. :roll: I mean, if that's not what he meant to say that's cool, I'll just amend my statement to reflect that, but as it stands that's what he meant.
He probably didn't really take care of anything by himself since he's just a 9 time sockpuppet race baiter who is here to troll and start irrelevant threads about bullshit.