How and when did you lose your virginity?

From what I understand, in many countries where virginity is extremely important, anal sex is common for girls. Think Middle East.
I was 15 and on my bed at home. She was 15 too. She was also one of the hottest girls in school. Thank god. I'm so glad my first wasn't an ugly girl.
Oh man, I'm just picturing some poor 17 year old sap reading this and thinking "well fuck, she might like it after all...!"! I've had plenty of girlfriends, I can say with absolute certainty, from my experience, NONE of them would have enjoyed this. Shove my dick in her face/mouth when she's sleeping, I'd of received the worst reality check of my life!

Maybe if I told her "hey, maybe waking up with a BJ would be nice sometime...", she'd MIGHT try it.. and I'd be lucky to get a half assed half awake BJ before she gave up and mounted instead to get hers..

Are there really women out there so giving???

I had one girl that wanted me to cum in her mouth while she was asleep...
I was 13(summer between 7 and 8th grade).

Late evening Friday night at local lake on the beach on a beach towel with an older teen girl who me and my friends first started getting pot and booze from. She was a metalhead like I was blossoming to be so she was more connected with me then others through our love of same music, she had that big hair that stunk of aquanet and that night she had a lot of Hawaiian tanning lotion still on from tanning early that day. That combo or either smell gets me hard to this day. I actually came twice in about a 50 minute fuck fest, she was the one fucking me though. I was on bottom most of time but she let me do doggie for a little bit but obviously knew I was an ass man even before I did because just as I was about to pop she forced me on my back again. She knew what she was doing, she was hot, she was tough and it was amazing.

We fucked on and off as good friends for a few years, taught me everything I know about pleasing a woman, but she eventually got tamed by some older guy and had kids, career ect. ect.
I fell in love with her of course after the first encounter and at one point maybe a few months after I freaked out on her because she hung with other crowds and people and went off not knowing where she was for days at a time, you know the typical dumb guy shit thinking he owns her, and she set me straight hardcore. She basically slapped me around in front of a crowd at a local hangout and did a series of other dramatic events that taught me a great lesson. I learned not to be possessive and jealous in relationships. My relationship with her taught me many positive things that helped me out in life. I still know some people now at age 30-40 that acted like I did at 13. A good woman early in life can really teach a guy some important things.

Great, now I'm super depressed. I miss the 80s.
Yup, my wife likes that from time to time too :D

It was cool that she was a freak but that was something I just couldn't muster up...

I tried a couple of times but I just couldn't do it...

The whole scenario felt a little too rapey...

and that's coming from the guy that'd gag her while she was tied up, half tear her clothes off, hit it so hard I'd sometimes bruise myself, cum on her and leave the room to tidy myself up...
It was cool that she was a freak but that was something I just couldn't muster up...

I tried a couple of times but I just couldn't do it...

The whole scenario felt a little too rapey...

and that's coming from the guy that'd gag her while she was tied up, half tear her clothes off, hit it so hard I'd sometimes bruise myself, cum on her and leave the room to tidy myself up...

Sounds like me. Are you my brother from another mother? hahaha
You 2 mother fuckers need to revive my bdsm thread.

Ahahaha.. give me some time for that - almost midnight and have to be up in 7~ hours to get the headache started. Will definitely hunt it down tomorrow and contribute to the fun that is BDSM
That should never happen to anyone. Bastard should be in prison
He's dead now he hung himself, after it happened he took me home in his car we never spoke a word to each other on the journey I remember feeling like I was on fire down below and was bleeding quite a lot. Every time I saw him after that him and his mates would laugh at me,it was horrible.
Some years later I saw his picture in the paper he'd got married he had twin boys and shortly after they were born his wife left him so he hung himself, when I read it in the local newspaper I'm not sure how I felt really I wasn't happy or sad but it was like closure.
He's dead now he hung himself, after it happened he took me home in his car we never spoke a word to each other on the journey I remember feeling like I was on fire down below and was bleeding quite a lot. Every time I saw him after that him and his mates would laugh at me,it was horrible.
Some years later I saw his picture in the paper he'd got married he had twin boys and shortly after they were born his wife left him so he hung himself, when I read it in the local newspaper I'm not sure how I felt really I wasn't happy or sad but it was like closure.

As much as I hate to say this, it's probably better he did, as you mentioned.. it would be able to help with the closure.
He's dead now he hung himself, after it happened he took me home in his car we never spoke a word to each other on the journey I remember feeling like I was on fire down below and was bleeding quite a lot. Every time I saw him after that him and his mates would laugh at me,it was horrible.
Some years later I saw his picture in the paper he'd got married he had twin boys and shortly after they were born his wife left him so he hung himself, when I read it in the local newspaper I'm not sure how I felt really I wasn't happy or sad but it was like closure.

So glad you received some kind of closure. You dam well deserve it after all these years.I don't know how you did it.