How and when did you lose your virginity?

Looking to score some blue and clears back in the 70s, so me and a friend, Fat Mary went to her cousins trailer out in the country..He answered the door and said "Hi Cuz...who's this?" we were introduced, went in and asked about the stuff...he rolled a j and lit it..we got high while Fat Mary just sat on the sofa in her powder blue stretch pants watching quietly. She had four chins..she was so fat her toenails wouldnt even grow our straight, but grew tilted up towards the sun as if they were being squeezed by her body weight and were about to pop off her toes....Her cousin then sits down beside his cousin and looks at me, pats her leg and says all bleary eyed,,,"Lets fuck this fat girl"....all I can really remember is the smell of sweat, oily hair and funk stank.....that fat girl sure could make a great fried cheese sammich.
Too much clit rubbing, or not enough? Was it the cock talk, oh, oh, the ankles behind the ears? I'm asking because I'm writing a pamphlet..
Went like "His wallet was protruding from his strong backside as he quietly swept the floor waiting for my tea to brew so he could bring it to I knew he was going to listen to me talk all night about feelings and people he doesn't know"
Never had the opportunity myself

I just had a girl yesterday tell me "I like it when it hurts", there might be something to it..
Padewan, you cant tell me that youve still never done a girl in the butt, its been a year. You need to try this, its really alot of fun. Trust me, if ya dont get pooped on youll have a shitload of fun.
Too much clit rubbing, or not enough? Was it the cock talk, oh, oh, the ankles behind the ears? I'm asking because I'm writing a pamphlet..

Too long to go into but Ching's story is pretty good. But moved too fast initially.(from where the brother's friend walks in.) Women like a LOT more build up. (while reading I mean) I can't speak for ALL of my gender, but most of us anyway.

Why do you think there is always a wet floor sign in front of fifty shades of grey at the book store?

The 50 shades series is a joke. The writing is horrible. I can't believe a bunch of house fraus clammoring to read it. I couldn't get through the second half of the book. Not due to the subject matter, but due to the laughable writing. IT's like reading a badly written adolescent diary.