How and when did you lose your virginity?

I always thought the hat trick was 3 different girls/guys in one day... which I pulled of on my birthday several years back.
On the pussy eating talk, it's an art I feel I have mastered. It's like a long soft sensual kiss... gotta take your time and explore and experience her...
It can be a lot of fun, especially when she cums
was 16, first time I did anything with a girl, started fingerblastin' the shit out of her had he begging for the D
Omfg I laughed so hard reading this! Was this last year? Like December 3 months ago? Fingerblastin! Classic! I bet she totally gave you a blowster broster!
I like how dudes are trying to teach other Internet dudes how to give head! This thread is 5 stars for humor content now! 1 star for topic choice!
Eating pussy is easy if you're into the girl. Their body will tell you how to work it. If you are in tune with the girl you're with, it will just happen. At least for me that's how it's been. Woman are very good about sensing the passion a man feels, or does not feel. If you are really into the girl and your dick has never been as hard as it is the moment you are with her.. she will know. I'm very passionate about the women I'm with, and they know it. Women are a beautiful species, treat them right and you will be pleasantly rewarded, treat them like trash, and you will be rewarded in kind.

If you can make a woman be as passionate about the moment as you are... you are guaranteed to give her an orgasm. If you can't... well, she was either not that into you, or you are doing something really really wrong.

Ok. That's my speech on this topic.
yeah thats pretty true, we can tell if its just lust or if theirs chemistry ,in fact i was quite surprised how many of you "didnt remember" the girl you lost your virginity too...*stayin away from those guys*
yeah thats pretty true, we can tell if its just lust or if theirs chemistry ,in fact i was quite surprised how many of you "didnt remember" the girl you lost your virginity too...*stayin away from those guys*

i remember mine. in fact, i remember everyone i've been with. i remember their names, and how i met them. i still am friends with a few of them.
So buy licking all around the clit first shell want it more and then i strike with a good ninja tounge lashing :) how long usually does it take before shes ready for the direct clit toungein? And how long till they cum usually? Is this a gaurenteed orgasm thing if your good at it?

The clit is one of the major female nerve centers on the female body, nipples and gspot are the other 2 (for the most part) .. That said, gently tease until she's into it, then swirl the tongue, open up the flood gates, and hold on tight as you go to town. If she grabs the back of your head, don't panic - that's a good thing, and is a sign she wants it/is really into it, she's not trying to kill you. Every woman can have different times to reach oral climax, if you've been with a woman for a good while, you would know exactly what works best and it can be extremely fast (less than 4 minutes) or if you attack her while she's sleeping and crawl between her legs.. 25 minutes or more of foreplay may be required before you hit the button and her body is trembling. That said, once you hit that point.. don't stop, but don't pick up intensity.. maintain the same and use fingers at the same time for a prolonged one, and/or multiples. If she's completely out of breath and collapsed on the bed.. you know you did well - until that point, don't stop. :D As for being guaranteed, for the most part - yes. Some women do not have an extremely sensitive clit and you have to harrass it in other ways.. namely - using the 'pop rocks' candy in your mouth while gently sucking on it, using ice (not directly on the clit, in your mouth) and letting the warm/cold water swish over it as you gently suck on it.. etc. Padawan was right, I should start writing the book. :D
Eating pussy is easy if you're into the girl. Their body will tell you how to work it. If you are in tune with the girl you're with, it will just happen. At least for me that's how it's been. Woman are very good about sensing the passion a man feels, or does not feel. If you are really into the girl and your dick has never been as hard as it is the moment you are with her.. she will know. I'm very passionate about the women I'm with, and they know it. Women are a beautiful species, treat them right and you will be pleasantly rewarded, treat them like trash, and you will be rewarded in kind.

If you can make a woman be as passionate about the moment as you are... you are guaranteed to give her an orgasm. If you can't... well, she was either not that into you, or you are doing something really really wrong.

Ok. That's my speech on this topic.

Well said!
my first time i was 16 and we were both virgins. initially it had been so tight that i didnt even figure out until later that night when she told me that i had put it in her butt halfway through and she didnt say anything bc she thought i had meant to. unknown to me i had been getting down with the brown. we lost multiple virginities that night. true story bro
I was sixteen and I lost it in a band stand(where people play music in case you don't call it that) in a park, the guy was twenty one and experianced he was a jail bird and very popular with the ladies, I asked him to stop but he wouldn't! I won't forget that in a hurry not a nice experiance and I've never told a soul until now. :sad:

That should never happen to anyone. Bastard should be in prison
I dated this girl once who told me her little sister was a virgin( except anal) Weird right? Who gives up the butt before the giner!
never go Ass to Mouth
I dated this girl once who told me her little sister was a virgin( except anal) Weird right? Who gives up the butt before the giner!
never go Ass to Mouth

Good tips, recommended order for the Hat Trick is: mouth, pussy, ass .. and make sure she's more than relaxed and most of her tract is clear before you tap the ass or you very well may impact her, and she will not enjoy that whatsoever. As for virgin except for the ass.. guess she figured that the ass has no real 'hymen' so she could just give that up freely and still be 'a real virgin' for the first guy who gets the pussy. That said, many aren't aware that a female can tear the hymen just horseback riding or doing other strenuous things.. so just because there's not a hymen to tear or blood the first time.. doesn't mean that they aren't a virgin, all things the same. (as some additional information for those who may be reading this)