House explosion, Butane and 22 search warrants.


Well-Known Member
Considering all those "IDEs" picked up last week in the Jackson busts, especially the FBI & ATF now publicly onboard, cooking an actual IDE gone bad is not out of the question ...


Well-Known Member
This is why I hate shit like this, it gives the rest of the people a bad name. They make it seem like just growing could lead to something like that house explosion, no wonder some people get so worked up. (besides the tendancy of people to fear what they do not understand)

[h=1]Exploding House In Ypsilanti Was A Marijuana Factory[/h]The home that exploded Sunday in Ypsilanti Township was a marijuana-processing factory, Shawn Lay reports on WDIV-TV.
The home was one of 22 locations scheduled to be raided today in a widespread operation coordinated by the Michigan State Police. Cops hit 21 of the alleged drug spots, including locations in Detroit, Oakland and western Wayne County.
Police told Lay a build up of butane -- part of the process of manufacturing large amounts of marijuana -- led to the explosion.
A man, woman and infant were in the home on the 1300 block of Gattegno Street when the house blew up, authorities said. The woman and child escaped without injury, but eyewitnesses reported seeing the man fleeing the house with his clothes on fire. He is reportedly being treated in the University of Michigan Hospital.
Police spent seven months planning today's raids. Among the targets were an old warehouse on Epworth Avenue on Detroit's west side and a location at 7 Mile and John R on Detroit's north side.


Well-Known Member
How about these powers that be go after all the doctors that keep over doing the opiate scripts. Seems to me this bust is for a quick money grab. An opportunity came about when they investigated the explosion and they struck while they could. 7 months my ass.

Free the weed.....

makes me sick


Well-Known Member
Furthermore. I hope the dog was ok. Son of a bitch came flying out the house on the footage. Poor little guy....I hope he's not all burned up. I hate when I see dogs get hurt cause their owners are idiots.


Well-Known Member
How about these powers that be go after all the doctors that keep over doing the opiate scripts. Seems to me this bust is for a quick money grab. An opportunity came about when they investigated the explosion and they struck while they could. 7 months my ass.

Free the weed.....

makes me sick
LMFAO Could you imagine instead of simply sending letters as they do, that the DEA raided just one doctors home, office and/or place of business? They would drop the charges long before all the lawyers arrived, but they'd be bankrupt civilly just to make a point :eyesmoke: Only folks with lawyers, accountants and political connections actually find protections under the law as is :(


New Member
I think the amount of time spent on this one was simply paid interest as LEO knew that the numbers of greenbacks were stacking up along with all the toys and structures that they will be confiscating due to this series of raids . I hate to see this one being pushed like so by the media but then again I do not like commercial enterprises and the greed that they bring .


Well-Known Member
Not natural gas. Only an idiot would hang out in a house that smelled of mercaptan. Most likely some fool was doing BHO in the house yet again and about 5 cans worth blew the windows out.

Once again... BHO Only outside. Only a can at a time.


Well-Known Member
I hear about and see house explosions from making BHO quite often
in the news around here in LA.


Well-Known Member
Not natural gas. Only an idiot would hang out in a house that smelled of mercaptan. Most likely some fool was doing BHO in the house yet again and about 5 cans worth blew the windows out.

Once again... BHO Only outside. Only a can at a time.
dude that didn't just blow out the windows, it lifted the roof 6 inches!!


Well-Known Member
I think it would take 300+ cases of butane to do that. I drove by someones house after a propane tank explosion and only
saw a blown out window with some window frame damage. This area has already had a natual gas explosion( not grow releated) since
I got here, and think they have motivation to keep it hushed up a little.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
When I finally checked the connections on an old house of mine, I learned that I had multiple slow -natural gas- leaks all happening at once. no matter what, the press (and cops when they get a chance) will spin this into some crazy ass 'drug dealer' propaganda that shines unfavorably on all medical users.


Well-Known Member
See but one thing is I haven't heard the word medical used in any of the news stories, so I think the press is trying to make the distinction between a multi county obviously illegal op and the average medical grower. While I notice the use of specific language I doubt anyone outside of the community would.


Well-Known Member
None of the people have got charged yet so, there had to have been paperwork at some point. They just wanted to sieze some stuff
and put the Washington Generals of the grow game out of business.


Well-Known Member
See but one thing is I haven't heard the word medical used in any of the news stories, so I think the press is trying to make the distinction between a multi county obviously illegal op and the average medical grower. While I notice the use of specific language I doubt anyone outside of the community would.
I believe the writers here are Federal agents trying to hide their roll and create a story line. See to use the word "medical" would be inconsistent with the Federal Controlled Substance laws utilized to justify these agencies authority and actions in such a situation. All these sealed warrants and specifically no mention of the DEA is very telling IMO.


Well-Known Member
How are some of you missing the important part of the Feds were on to this guy before his house unfortunately exploded?

I doubt he's a saint, and those of us familar with butane know how dangerous it can be. I certainly wouldn't want to live next to some jackass making bho indoors, which while we don't know how yet his house exploded, we at this point we can easily see how this can happen.