Holographic Universe


Well-Known Member
Extremely interesting article, I personally believe in this theory.


University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.
To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. A hologram is a three- dimensional photograph made with the aid of a laser. To make a hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam. Then a second laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern (the area where the two laser beams commingle) is captured on film. When the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines. But as soon as the developed film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.
Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.
Sound familiar? Everything is nothing, nothing is everything?
Sure man. I love that shit. Its so similar to the fractals its astounding. Although fractals are obviously different.

I bought these huge handle bars for my bike yesterday, they are fucking bomb!! I hate the bent over style these bike companies are making. I want a bike that I can sit back and relax on. :D

I never took calculus, couldn't deal with such abstract numbers. When we applied them to physics and real problems I excelled.
Sorta off topic, just got blazed gotta spill it. Real time virtual reality, Real time virtual reality cameras and sensors would be set up all across the world and people could tap in. Take a walk in New York, go for a swim in Jamaica a 1/2 hour later. Sit in your best friends living room who lives hundreds of miles away and have a conversation. Then go to bed in the comfort of your own home.
Sure man. I love that shit. Its so similar to the fractals its astounding. Although fractals are obviously different.

I bought these huge handle bars for my bike yesterday, they are fucking bomb!! I hate the bent over style these bike companies are making. I want a bike that I can sit back and relax on. :D

I never took calculus, couldn't deal with such abstract numbers. When we applied them to physics and real problems I excelled.

I'm an abstract kinda person. But I love Physics, but not so much beginner Physics, more like Quantum Physics. Abstract just like I like it ;) I remember taking it when I was 14 (high school Physics) at the same time I was taking Chemistry, everybody in the class was like WTF! It was just because I skipped two grades, and graduated high school at 16.

Concrete things kinda pass me by. It's kinda weird.
I bet your intrigued by string theory as well huh?

Definitely. I started reading Stephen Hawking at 13. I was perplexed and researching about M-theory and string-theory and the possibility of not 4 dimensions but 13, 9 curled up tightly, and we cannot recognize them with our current perception. The 4th dimension is time. It is amazing how strings are one-dimensional, and thus take up no space, and yet create everything that exists. It is a lot for your brain to take in, thank god I've had so long to process it all.. lol
Love you guys ... Hadd how did IM go ?
Bro ... you are the best and blow me away taking into consideration your age.
With your genetic makeup ... I would love to have a conversation with you at 40.
This will never happen ... but it surely would be a trip.

I am ALL about Spooky things at a distance ... =)

Dee, I would love to see your new handle bars, please take a picture and show us ....
Have a look at this link ... HERE
Exifer ... software to help you clean things UP ... right before show time ... for your security.

That is if you are running windows.

Love you guys ... Hadd how did IM go ?
Bro ... you are the best and blow me away taking into consideration your age.
With your genetic makeup ... I would love to have a conversation with you at 40.
This will never happen ... but it surely would be a trip.

I am ALL about Spooky things at a distance ... =)

Dee, I would love to see your new handle bars, please take a picture and show us ....
Have a look at this link ... HERE
Exifer ... software to help you clean things UP ... right before show time ... for your security.

That is if you are running windows.

It shall be happening tomorrow. You know it'd be all over a thread by now ;)
Love you guys ... Hadd how did IM go ?
Bro ... you are the best and blow me away taking into consideration your age.
With your genetic makeup ... I would love to have a conversation with you at 40.
This will never happen ... but it surely would be a trip.

I am ALL about Spooky things at a distance ... =)

Dee, I would love to see your new handle bars, please take a picture and show us ....
Have a look at this link ... HERE
Exifer ... software to help you clean things UP ... right before show time ... for your security.

That is if you are running windows.


Also, thanks for your compliments! I take great heed of them, especially because they are from you, my dear friend. Honestly, my aspirations are to be of Shulgin status by middle-age, anything less and I sold myself short. And it saddens me considering everything, perhaps it will happen sooner than we think, a rise of status. Perhaps then a meeting would be in order ;) I would make sure you were blown away. I know how I look wouldn't surprise you in the slightest ;)

Shall never cut my hair!
saw something on science channel last night about this, as i was falling asleep though, will have to take a look through your links haddaway