hey I'm alive (for now), had minor heart surgery, and I guess I will stop smokeing tobacco now as my whole heart was just about blocked with nicotene, if the blockage that knocked me on sunday was 5mm higher in the vein, I wouldn't be typing here now.... so yeah guys take it from a hard head, I watched my heart on a wall of monitors as they fixed it, and I could see its not just the doctors talking shit.... smokeing kills, and its more painfull than anything you can imagine.
Then wap it was over and they asked if I'm OK, well yeah as ok as you can be laying with your legs open and half your crotch exposed in a room staffed by mostly pretty young girls like the ones I'd have fun with at raves.
lol i watched that program the other day....nuked my head for about 2 days...to think ill be in this shitty council house poor as fook forever bein replayd by a black hole projector makes me wanna top myself....lol
lol, I nearly got to find out for myself, just came out of hospital after haveing my first heart attack.