Are we just 3D holograms created by 2D information stored at the edge of the universe

hey I'm alive (for now), had minor heart surgery, and I guess I will stop smokeing tobacco now as my whole heart was just about blocked with nicotene, if the blockage that knocked me on sunday was 5mm higher in the vein, I wouldn't be typing here now.... so yeah guys take it from a hard head, I watched my heart on a wall of monitors as they fixed it, and I could see its not just the doctors talking shit.... smokeing kills, and its more painfull than anything you can imagine.
hey I'm alive (for now), had minor heart surgery, and I guess I will stop smokeing tobacco now as my whole heart was just about blocked with nicotene, if the blockage that knocked me on sunday was 5mm higher in the vein, I wouldn't be typing here now.... so yeah guys take it from a hard head, I watched my heart on a wall of monitors as they fixed it, and I could see its not just the doctors talking shit.... smokeing kills, and its more painfull than anything you can imagine.

I quit smoking tabacco two years ago todayish! very last cigg was thanksgiving two years ago, so basically today!, glad to hear you made it anc, hope you have a quick recovery.
wifes are awesome, mine is bussy trying to bbq me some boerewors now, God bless her soul.
I don't feel like I'm evolveing today but according to all the scientist we all are....

Funny little story I didn't have the energy to share yet (finaly feel alive again today).
If you ever saw those symbols on a trip, you know those ancient symbols you don't understand but somehow feel you once upon a time did. I've vertainly seen them a few times.
Anyway, as they inflated a baloon in my heart to get the blockage out (obviously I'm haveing a controled heart attack at the time, I turned my head to the side, and the linnen next to me just turned into an endless strectch of these symbols arranged in words, it was just the weave of the material... I felt so close to understanding it. Then wap it was over and they asked if I'm OK, well yeah as ok as you can be laying with your legs open and half your crotch exposed in a room staffed by mostly pretty young girls like the ones I'd have fun with at raves.
Then wap it was over and they asked if I'm OK, well yeah as ok as you can be laying with your legs open and half your crotch exposed in a room staffed by mostly pretty young girls like the ones I'd have fun with at raves.

im sure your wife loves that too :D
lol i watched that program the other day....nuked my head for about 2 think ill be in this shitty council house poor as fook forever bein replayd by a black hole projector makes me wanna top

This is such an epic post.
lol, I nearly got to find out for myself, just came out of hospital after haveing my first heart attack.

How are you suppose to find out or learn anything after you die?

Glad you made it bud and hope for a quick recovery.
semi-on topic: Nicotine sulfate was banned for all agricultural use in the USA, it was too dangerous of a chemical for humans to manage. Don't understand how people enjoy cigarettes after knowing this fact, especially growers.
it is called addiction, I guess its same as me not being able to understand fat people....