Hillary can't be trusted

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Oh sure. Trump just had to use his own hotels and he had to pay top dollar for those facilities when lower cost facilities were not only available but leasing them would eliminate the appearance of graft.

Not saying he's broken the law, just saying it's slimy to take all those small dollar donations from earnest supporters and not try to get the most out of each dollar spent.

I don't begrudge his use of that jet, I'm just saying that he's charging his campaign an awful lot for something that he would be using anyway.

Chiseling money away from his own campaign to line his pockets isn't as bad as his death threats to Hillary or his Trump U fraud or his disrespecting a gold star family or maligning Vietnam POW s or his disastrous plans for the economy and international relations. But every time Trump can make a better choice he fails. In total it reflects badly on the candidate.

oh gawd how did I miss that,your right,without running for office Trump would be using his plane to visit all 50 states multiple times just to say " HI " to all the nice people lol

fishing without a license :sleep:
None of those say to stop vaccinations. Also the date says 2012. Are you aware it is easy to make fake tweets? Even if they were real, he has medical professionals on his campaign advisment team.

I have watched all his speeches and never once heard him talk about stopping vaccinations.

you are not that bright. at all.


did you vaccinate your kid, btw? or did you listen to the orange fascist?

you are not that bright. at all.


did you vaccinate your kid, btw? or did you listen to the orange fascist?


yeah its not like the USA would ever infect a population with plagues & disease or anything like that using vaccines.

tell the parents of the thousands of dead children in Haiti & africa exactly how their heads r covered in tin foil while they mourn their lost child .

derp derp

"He has made serious gains in states like New Hampshire and Colorado — places where we once held double-digit advantages. And he's now leading polling averages in several key states, including Florida and Ohio.

A month ago, Trump had maybe a 10 or 20 percent chance of winning this election. Today, in most models, his odds have risen to 30 or 40 percent."

Donate for your free sticker! Bahahaha
Yep, the polls always tighten this time in the election cycle. I'm surprised it isn't tighter.

What you fail to grasp is that Clinton has a lock on 191 electoral college votes and 70% chance of winning in Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin, taken together, these states that hold 69 electoral college votes. To clinch the presidency, Hillary needs to win in one or two of the remaining seven states that are too close to call. Trump, on the other hand has to win six of the same seven states.

So, yeah the race is tightening. I'm sure you'd be happier if Trump's odd were 60% instead of 40%. Trump has to be nearly perfect in toss-up states with Florida, North Carolina and Ohio as must-win states. A win for Clinton in any of those states and he's toast. Benedict Donald has a chance and you can take comfort in your lack of skill with numbers if it helps you sleep.

Then again, Benedict Donald has already called the election rigged. He's already signaled his acceptance of defeat.
George H.W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush have stayed out of the political debate since campaigning earlier this year for their son Jeb's unsuccessful bid for president.

the "neck slice" assassination insinuation former president Bush levied at Donald Trump durring the CNN debate woke millions of voters up to both political party's collusion .

Bush's decision to imply he would slice Donald Trumps throat did much more to gain votes for Trump that his vote will do to siphon votes from Trump.

the corrupt Bush political monarchy has been destroyed,now its time for the corrupt Clinton dynasty to flame out,I can't wait .
Welp, you've set the standard for "bottom of the barrel" with that one.

Yeah, totally believe it.
She is, google it, 911 was a cult satanic ritual, check her symbol they dont hide it:

Vice news,the same folks who gave us the ground breaking story of gender fluid shitters at Target stores :dunce:

so trump isn't an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist?

and he hasn't funneled $7.7 million dollars to himself and his kids, as can be independently verified through election spending filings?

that's about as likely as you not having "WHITE PRIDE" tattooed across your back, neo-nazi.

can I borrow your grand cyclops hood for trick or treat this year?

ask one of your fellow trump supporters for one.

after all, he is the one with the support of the KKK, aryan nation, A3P, american renaissance, and dozens of white supremacy hate groups.

not to mention you, with the gigantic "WHITE POWER" tattoo so prominently displayed across your back.
so trump isn't an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist?

and he hasn't funneled $7.7 million dollars to himself and his kids, as can be independently verified through election spending filings?

that's about as likely as you not having "WHITE PRIDE" tattooed across your back, neo-nazi.

He has a "White Pride" tattoo...

Well, fuck me.
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