Hillary can't be trusted

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Trump spotted going over the Hoover Dam,...heading North,..., Hillary spotted going over the New Zoo Review.....NJ/NY bomber slapped for mistaking Chelsea in NY for Chelsea, NY.

Donald was on all kinds of TV. You are correct though, Hillary did not expose herself to questioning. Nothing to hide, just nothing to say,...Right ?
What is Benedict Donald trying to hide by avoiding the media, @OddBall1st ? I bet his heart is about to give out. He was sweaty and confused the last time he was on TV. That's a sure sign of heart issues. Did you know that before the campaign started he his physical showed he was practically dead already?
literally everything you just typed in your retarded diatribe is false.

He is correct about the bankruptcy bill. Warren taught her all about, Clinton leveraged it positively when Bill was still in office. Upon becoming a senator she took that same info and used it to negatively impact her constituents.
In ref. to the title.

And you can trust a guy who says that Obama and Hillary caused the fall of governments to create the ability of Isis to form?

Can you say W?

Trump BOLDFACE lie's and the uneducated US moron class eats it up!

You don't like your kids? Vote Trump and see them off to another fullscale war!
In ref. to the title.

And you can trust a guy who says that Obama and Hillary caused the fall of governments to create the ability of Isis to form?

Can you say W?

Trump BOLDFACE lie's and the uneducated US moron class eats it up!

You don't like your kids? Vote Trump and see them off to another fullscale war!
Us withdrawing after destabilizing iraq led to the power grab by isis. They became well armed and rich because we left iraq with little defense.

They took the weapons we left for iraq and sold the oil to syria, then they spread across the region to destroy all the civilians who would not bow to their religion.

Btw during the primary debates, trump called out bush for invading iraq. Pissed jeb off.
I wasn't talking to you, Oddball, you are hopeless and I wouldn't take you on as a student. I'd let you shovel out my horse's stall if you just want to be near my presence.
I would not do that if I were you.
Us withdrawing after destabilizing iraq led to the power grab by isis. They became well armed and rich because we left iraq with little defense.

They took the weapons we left for iraq and sold the oil to syria, then they spread across the region to destroy all the civilians who would not bow to their religion.

Btw during the primary debates, trump called out bush for invading iraq. Pissed jeb off.
and you know this how ?
Did you serve in Iraq to know and understand WTF was going on ?
Us withdrawing after destabilizing iraq led to the power grab by isis. They became well armed and rich because we left iraq with little defense.

They took the weapons we left for iraq and sold the oil to syria, then they spread across the region to destroy all the civilians who would not bow to their religion.

Btw during the primary debates, trump called out bush for invading iraq. Pissed jeb off.
I used to think you were just dumb. Now I realize that you are dumb and evil.
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