Illinois Enema Bandit
Well-Known Member
Oh sure. Trump just had to use his own hotels and he had to pay top dollar for those facilities when lower cost facilities were not only available but leasing them would eliminate the appearance of graft.
Not saying he's broken the law, just saying it's slimy to take all those small dollar donations from earnest supporters and not try to get the most out of each dollar spent.
I don't begrudge his use of that jet, I'm just saying that he's charging his campaign an awful lot for something that he would be using anyway.
Chiseling money away from his own campaign to line his pockets isn't as bad as his death threats to Hillary or his Trump U fraud or his disrespecting a gold star family or maligning Vietnam POW s or his disastrous plans for the economy and international relations. But every time Trump can make a better choice he fails. In total it reflects badly on the candidate.
oh gawd how did I miss that,your right,without running for office Trump would be using his plane to visit all 50 states multiple times just to say " HI " to all the nice people lol
fishing without a license