Hey , Dummy Grow a Plant - Simple Soil Container Growing


Well-Known Member
Transplant time -

I up potted the solo cups into some 1 gallon root pouches and a 2 gallon. I will probably up pot 2 of those remaining 1 gallon grows once they set up more. I am looking to see if a transition transplant is worth it …..

Cup to 1 gallon , 1 gallon to 3 or 5 gallon final size. I always run solo to final but figured I would test out whether there are any benefits to up pot more than once.

Only thing ( for me ) about a bigger transplant before final pot is - I can introduce a new heavier myco layer within larger container that the bigger 1 gallon plug could be root dusted and set on dense layer. Myco is directly at root level and base. Probably a good idea - we will see.



Well-Known Member
First time indoor soil grow (KEPT IT SIMPLE ) budzbudda’z way
Dr earth grow n flower girl mykos
Did Budswel n molasses @ week 3 1/2 of flower
Thanks budzbudda followed ur advice
Very nice ! :clap:

Good to know you are just letting the plant feed on the medium and no bottle bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Actually making them is ridiculously easy.

First , they are literally available at walmart. In sealed packs - prewashed.

However…. Always good to open up on end and run water thru each to flush them. I tend to peel off most if the attached fat ( save it for later ).

I put a pot of water with onion half / 4-5 garlic cloves - medium boil - add tripas …. Cook for about 30-40 minutes. Check doneness by sticking fork into one , if it goes in easily then they are ready for next step. Try not to overcook

.Remove from water - pat them dry - set aside.
Heat a large pan / wok on medium high . Add Manteca / Crisco or Bacon fat for best results in frying. Add some of that pulled fat to oil to render it down ( if you like ) .

Once oil is ready - cut down tripa to 2 inch pieces - add to oil. Turn them frequently ( watch them !!! )
Be careful as you can burn them or make them too chewy. Light browning is fine.

Serve on Street taco sized tortillas with salsa / cilantro / chopped onions. Or Roll up a Bomb Ass Burrito with some Fried Beans ….

Dinner and a Dank Joint …. OLE’ :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Update :

Since the up potting , they grew out and i decided to flip a couple of them. They are already showing sex and preflower. I will do some final LST to finalize their shape.

Instead of my typical “ topdressing “ of layered FFOF
soil - i am running Recipe 420 dry fertilizer . Right now they are still on the “ veg “ - ( all purpose ) 6-8-4.

After stretching, i will move to Ultra Bloom.

1 Tablespoon per 2 gallon container… scratched in and tap water. EASY PEASY. :bigjoint:

I tend to feed around every week and half. If i loaded 2 tablespoons then it would push a re-feed to about every 2 weeks.



Well-Known Member
These are the other 2 up potted plants - i plan to veg them a bit more before flipping.

Also have germination solo cups going.
The bigger one is a PEE PLANT S1 seed from a pollination of Urinal Cake plant. Pisstacular smoke :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Father’s Day Find - local swap meet

$10 bucks

Found another BONG. This one was pretty dirty when i got but managed to clean it up pretty well. I still need to get into the nooks and crannies. I used a simple salt and iso alcohol mix to cut the major gunk out.

Its a very good and cheap way to clean glass.

Probably need some pipe cleaners to get in that bowl area.

Its got a mushroom shaped percolator and hits hard. I like the wide base and weight. It didn’t have a bowl but i happened to have a spare one .

Happy fathers day to me bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Flowering girls - Blackbird light.

Buds are forming on the more recent plants - Chill bomb is also flowering well and smells great. I am hoping that branch i pollinated with African Chill Male pollen will throw a few seeds at end.



Well-Known Member
Update : Container grows

Well decided they needed more room - removed them from the QB96 tent and put under the QB 304 / COB rig in the 3x3.

The QB304 have no reds built-into boards ( 3500k )
I wanted to eliminate unnecessary stretch from red spectrum and am now giving a slight bump in blue.

I up potted 3 more of the solo cups ( Pee S1 ) and another plants . The two remaining solos will be 1 gallon grows. The layered Container mix is pushing along with minimal effort ( 2-3 tablespoons of dry fertilizer ) and tap water.

